This object provides the course information. The PowerSchool SIF Agent provides publishing capabilities for the following data object and its elements:
Element/@Attribute | Source | Table | Column | Notes |
@RefId | Mapped | School_Course | SchoolCrseInfo_guid | The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies a particular enrollment. |
SchoolInfoRefId | Mapped | Schools | SchoolInfo_guid | The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies the school course. |
@SchoolYear | Mapped | Courses | Sched_Year | School year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., "2011" for the 2010-11 school year). |
CourseCode | Mapped | Courses | Course_Number | School-defined local code for the course. |
StateCourseCode | Mapped | Courses | Alt_Course_Number | State-defined standard course code used to report information about courses. |
DistrictCourseCode |
| The corresponding district course code. |
SubjectAreaList |
| Subject matter areas. |
CourseTitle | Mapped | Courses | Course_Name | Title of the course. |
Description |
| Textual description of the course. |
InstructionalLevel |
| An indication of the general nature and difficulty of instruction provided. |
CourseCredits | Mapped | Courses | Credit_Hours | The number of credits awarded upon course completion. |
GraduationRequirement |
| Does the state require that the course be completed for graduation? |
Department |
| Department with jurisdiction over this course. |
SCEDCode |
| Course code from the School Codes for the Exchange of Data that describes the course content. |
SIF_Metadata |
SIF_ExtendedElements |