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S_WY_STU_X (ver 14.10.0)

This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

CurriculumWaiver14.10.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if a student has received a Hathaway Scholarship Success Curriculum waiver.
ForeignLangProf14.10.0Varchar2(1)Indicates students that have completed the foreign language proficiency requirements established by the district.
AlternateAssessment15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student has been identified to take the State Alternate Assessment test. Migrated from [Students.WY_AlternateAssessment].


Varchar2(1)Indicates the type of Special State Assessment Form required by the student. Migrated from [Students.WY_AssessmentForms].


Varchar2(2)Birth Country of the student. Migrated from [Students.WY_BirthCountry].


Varchar2(3)Student's home language. Migrated from [Students.WY_HomeLanguage].


Varchar2(2)Primary nighttime residence of the student when the student was identified as homeless. Migrated from [Students.WY_HomelessNightResidence].


Varchar2(1)Membership type (Home/Concurrent) of the student. Migrated from [Students.WY_MembershipType].


DateDate the student first entered the public education system in the United States. Migrated from [Students.WY_US_EducationEntryDate].
USEducationYrs15.8.0Number(11,0)Indicates the number of years of education the student has completed in the United States. Migrated from [Students.WY_US_EducationYrs].
VocConcen15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is a vocational concentrator. Migrated from [Students.WY_VocConcen].
MostRecentDistEntryDate15.8.0DateMost recent district entry date of the student. Migrated from [Students.WY_mostRecentDistEntryDate].
NameSuffix15.8.0Varchar2(10)Student's suffix, if any. Migrated from [Students.name_suffix].
CollegeCourseWork15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates that the student has completed the required coursework. No longer used by the application. Migrated from [Students.wy_collegecoursework].
ELL15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is an English Language Learner under Title 3. Migrated from [Students.wy_ell].
ELLMonitor15.8.0Varchar2(1)ELL monitoring status of the student. Migrated from [Students.wy_ellmonitor].
GiftedAndTalented15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is in a Gifted/Talented program. Migrated from [Students.wy_giftedandtalented].
GraduationAward15.8.0Varchar2(2)Type of graduation award received by the student. No longer used by the application. Migrated from [Students.wy_graduationaward].
GraduationDate15.8.0DateActual graduation date of the student. Migrated from [Students.wy_graduationdate].
HalfDay15.8.0Varchar2(1)Type of Kindergarten program (Full Day/Half Day) of the student. Migrated from [Students.wy_halfday].
Homeless15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is identified as homeless at any time during the current school year. Migrated from [Students.wy_homeless].
IDEA15.8.0Varchar2(1)Student's eligibility for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) under IDEA. Migrated from [Students.wy_idea].
Immigrant15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is a immigrant. Migrated from [Students.wy_immigrant].
LunchStatus15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates the lunch status of the student. Migrated from [Students.wy_lunchstatus].
Migrant15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is a migrant. Migrated from [Students.wy_migrant].
NationalScholarship15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student has a national scholarship. Migrated from [Students.wy_nationalscholarship].
ProjectedGradYear15.8.0Varchar2(10)Indicates the on-time graduation year. No longer used by the application. Migrated from [Students.wy_projectedgradyear].
ScholarshipAward15.8.0Varchar2(25)Indicates the level of Hathaway scholarship received by the student. Migrated from [Students.wy_scholarshipaward].
Section50415.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is a qualified individual under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Migrated from [Students.wy_section504].
StateScholarship15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student has a state scholarship. Migrated from [Students.wy_statescholarship].
StudentHomeSchooled15.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is home schooled. Migrated from [Students.wy_studenthomeschooled].
StudentFosterCare17.6.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is in foster care
StudentMilitaryConnected17.6.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student's parent or guardian is an active member of the U.S. Military Services.
Title115.8.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is in a Title 1 program. Migrated from [Students.wy_title1].
TransEndorsement15.8.0Varchar2(15)Transcript endorsement status of the student. Migrated from [Students.wy_transendorsement].
HomelessUnaccompaniedYouth15.9.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student is identified as a homeless unaccompanied youth at any time during the current school year.
VirtualEdStudent22.8.1Varchar2(1)Indicates if the student has more than 50 percent of classes delivered as virtual or distance education
ResidentSchoolID23.3.2Varchar2(7)Student's Resident School ID if this is different than the currently enrolled school.
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