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S_WY_CRS_X (ver 15.8.0)

This table is an extension of the Courses table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key

InstructionLevel15.8.0Varchar2(2)Instruction Level for the course. Migrated from [Courses.WY_Instruction_Level].
MediumOfInst15.8.0Varchar2(2)Medium of Instruction for the course. Migrated from [Courses.WY_Medium_Of_Inst].
ProviderID15.8.0Varchar2(7)WDE ID of the School or Institution that is the service provider of the course. This is required only if the service provider is not the current school. Migrated from [Courses.WY_Provider_ID].
Milestones15.8.0Number(11,0)Milestones for the course. This is required only if the Medium of Instruction of the course is Distance Education or Correspondence Instruction. Migrated from [Courses.WY_Milestones].
ScholarshipCourse15.8.0Varchar2(1)Identifies course as a Diploma course. Migrated from [Courses.WY_Scholarship_Course].
DeliveryMethod18.6.0Varchar2(20)Method of Delivery for a virtual education course.
VirtualEducation18.6.0Varchar2(1)Identifies course as a virtual education course.
CareerTechnicalEducation18.6.0Varchar2(1)Identifies course as a career and technical education course.
CollegeConcurrent18.6.0Varchar2(1)Identifies course as a college concurrent course.
CreditRecovery18.6.0Varchar2(1)Identifies course as a credit recovery course.
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