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How to Add Participants

Use the steps below to populate the Participants portion of an incident. See the Appendixfor code values.
Use this first set of steps to add a student or staff member who is already defined in PowerSchool.

  1. On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you would like to edit.
  2. Click the Plus (plus) button next to Participants. The Search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants dialog appears.
  3. Enter criteria for the search and click Search. The Results section is populated with matching participants.
  4. Highlight the appropriate participant in the search results.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click the Plus (plus) button next to Attributes.
  7. Choose the appropriate participant attribute from the Attributes pop-up menu. This field is required if applicable. Otherwise, click the Minus (minus) button to remove the Attributes pop-up menu.
    Note: The participant attribute Received injury should only be assigned to victims and Inflicted injury should only be assigned to offenders. The participant attributes Gang-related, Hate Crime-related, Alcohol-related, and Drugs-related must be defined at the incident attribute level.
  8. Based on the participant attribute code, a subcode pop-up menu appears. Choose the appropriate participant attribute subcode from the pop-up menu. The subcodes for participant attributes may have different values of Yes, or Yes or No, or other values
  9. Choose a role from the Select Role(s) pop-up menu. There must be at least one offender per incident. Victims and reporters must be reported, if applicable, but are not mandatory. Only one victim and one reporter are reported per incident; thus, it is recommended to define only one of each per incident. In order to assign more than one role, click the Plus (plus) button next to Select Role(s) again.
  10. Click Add Participant Attributes.


Use this second set of steps to add a participant who is not defined in PowerSchool.

  1. On the Incident List page, click the ID or title of the incident you would like to edit.
  2. Click the Plus (plus) button next to Participants. The Search for Student, Staff, or Other Participants dialog appears.
  3. Click Create Other.
  4. Enter the First, Middle, Last names and Gender fields.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click the Plus (plus) button next to Attributes.
  7. Choose the appropriate participant attribute from the Attributes pop-up menu. This field is required if applicable. Otherwise, click the Minus (minus) button to remove the Attributes pop-up menu.

    Note: The participant attribute Received injury should only be assigned to victims and Inflicted injury should only be assigned to offenders.
  8. Based on the participant attribute code, a subcode pop-up menu appears. Choose the appropriate participant attribute subcode from the pop-up menu.
  9. Choose a role from the Select Role(s) pop-up menu. There must be at least one offender per incident. Victims and reporters must be reported, if applicable, but are not mandatory. Only one victim and one reporter are reported per incident; thus, it is recommended to define only one of each per incident. In order to assign more than one role, click the Plus (plus) button next to Select Role(s) again.
  10. Click Add Participant Attributes.
  11. Click Submit Incident to save the changes.


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