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Ed-Fi Reporting Page - Details Download Data

This section includes the Ed-Fi resources that are downloaded from the state Ed-Fi Data Hub, rather than published. The Download Data section on the Ed-Fi Reporting page allows the user to view the status of the downloaded resources; data views provide the ability to drill down to the details within each data set and to access the values as provided by the Wyoming Department of Education.

All information in this category is downloaded and stored in PowerSchool publishing tables and is used with data quality checks to ensure all data is compliant before uploading and publishing to the state Ed-Fi ODS. As needed, downloaded data can be refreshed using the Run Now button. For additional information about the options and functionality available, refer to the Download Data section of the Getting Started with Ed-Fi documentation.

Each row under the Download Data header provides one or more published data views corresponding to the Ed-Fi resources contained within that area. To access the downloaded values, first click on the Review or Errors button, and then select the desired item from the Choose category and/or Choose data view pop-up menu. 

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