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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated and can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer to PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.


90th Day Letter - New

90th Day Letter Version: 1.0

A new 90th Day Letter is created per DHS guidelines that can be sent to parents of students who are in Process or Not Compliant with their immunization.


Count Date Status - 1st Friday of May - Obsolete

The Count Date Status – 1st Friday of May field is moved to the Obsolete section on the following pages:

  • WISEdata Student Information

  • Edit Current Enrollment

  • Edit Previous Enrollment


LIEP Code Update (Bilingual/ESL Program)

The following updates are made:

The label is updated to ‘Language Instruction Education Program’ to align with DPI documentation on the following pages:

  • Courses

  • Sections

  • ESL/ELL Student Information

  • Student Current Enrollment

  • Student Previous Enrollment

  • Student New School Enrollment

The Language Instruction Education Program codes are updated per DPI specifications.


Legal Notice Updates

Legal Notice Version: 1.9

The report is updated per Department of Health Services (DHS) specifications.


WI Ed-Fi (SY 23-24): Updated in the Resources and Descriptors for Discipline

WI Ed-Fi: StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation, StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation, DisciplineActions

Description: A new resource for 23-24 and beyond has been added titled StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation. This resource will replace the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation resource, which will still continue to publish for the 22-23 and prior years.

The DisciplineActions resource has been updated to extract the correct student discipline incident depending on the school year being published. For 22-23 and prior the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation will be used. For 23-24 and beyond the StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation will be used.

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