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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


NCEA Diocese and School Summary PDF Updates

NCEA Diocese Summary: Version 23.10.2

NCEA School Summary: Version 23.10.2

The Diocese and School Summary PDF forms are updated to remove references to specific school years for the principal and teacher retention questions. This is a cosmetic update only with no changes to the report logic.

  • Diocese Information for NCEA Reporting > Principal Retention

    • Number of principals who were employed during the last school year

    • Number of principals who did not return for the current school year

  • School Information for NCEA Reporting > Teacher Retention

    • Number of teachers who were employed during the last school year

    • Number of teachers who did not return for the current school year


Ed-Fi: Programs for Pupil Count

The following two additional Program Associations have been added:

  • 5-year-old Blended

  • Challenge Academy


Ed-Fi: Pupil Count - FTE Elements - Part 2

When publishing Student School Association, the Enrollment Type Descriptor will be publishing value 'M' if the Pupil Count Resident Reduction or Non Resident Reduction field value is updated as R-OUTSIDEAGE.

Also the Receiving Services element will be populating new values M-3FS & M-2FJ and Residency Status will be publishing the Pupil Count Resident Reduction or Non Resident Reduction field value. If the Pupil Count Resident Reduction or Non Resident Reduction field value is blank, then default value 'R' will be published for Residency Status.

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