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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-253892Career Technical Education (CTE) - Update

The following CTE updates are made to the New Stored Grade and Edit Stored Grade pages:

  • Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program is no longer submitted through historical grades.
  • The Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program field is moved to the Obsolete section of the page.
  • A warning is displayed when the user does not specify a Certificated Programs Status Type for a Certified Career Education Program.
PSSR-253126Ed-Fi: ActualDisciplineActionLength Cannot Exceed 999.99 Days

If a student's discipline return date is far in the future and the calculation comes out to be more than 999 days, then 999 will be published for the ActualDisciplineActionLength.

PSSR-254060Ed-Fi: District Graduation Plan Not Publishing Correctly in Sub District Setup

District Graduation Plan will now publish a record for each sub-district.

PSSR-253127Ed-Fi: Student CTE Records Require Data on the Student’s Record to Publish

When a student is marked as a CTE student on their previous enrollment records, the record now publishes without any issues for that school year.

PSSR-252342Ed-Fi: Student Sections Not Publishing When Enrolled for One Day

When a student is enrolled for only one day, the StudentSectionAssociation incorrectly shows a dependency to Student School Association. This issue has been resolved and the StudentSectionAssociation will publish correctly.

PSSR-245273Ed-Fi: Unique ID Request Update

An issue was found that when a district was configured with multiple districts and a request to create a new Unique ID was issued, an error could occur saying that the request couldn't be completed because an incorrect district number was used. This has been resolved so requests to create new Unique IDs are completed successfully in a multidistrict configuration.

PSSR-251479Ed-Fi: Upper Case All primary_service_provider Calls

Publishing of data for Ed-Fi publishes successfully for any resource where primary_service_provider is used.

PSSR-253208Edit Previous Enrollment

The page was displaying duplicate Certified Career Education Program fields. The issue is corrected and the page properly displays.

PSSR-255523PI-1563 Reconciliation - Update

PI-1563 Reconciliation: Version 1.3

The report dates were coded into the report page. This is corrected and the report data is based on the dates entered on the report parameter screen.

PSSR-253235Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal

A district-level pref is now available to enable the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry in the Public Portal. The pref is disabled by default.

This pref can be found on the following page for all states/provinces.
Path: Start Page> District Info > Miscellaneous.

PSSR-253137Security Update - Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Public Portal Data Collection

A security update has been made to the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data collection functionality in the public portal and now records can only be seen and modified for the student tied to the guardian that is logged in.

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