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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-245274Choice Students Page - Update

The McKinney-Vento view only section is removed from the Choice Students page. This information is not collected by DPI for Choice schools.

PSSR-245973Digital Equity Indicators

Digital Equity Indicators are submitted to DPI using the State/Province - WI WISEdata Digital Equity Indicators page. The links to Learning Preferences under Enrollment and District Info have been disabled.

PSSR-244113Ed-Fi Framework: Purge Processor Degraded Performance

The Ed-Fi Purge Processor has been enhanced to improve performance.

PSSR-238511Ed-Fi: Add Digital Equity Student Indicators on StudentEdOrgAssociations

The new Digital Equity fields are now published in the studentEdOrgAssocations record.

PSSR-239090Ed-Fi: Add Support for New MediumOfInstruction Descriptor

Ed-Fi now uses the Medium of Instruction field on the Sections page as the data source when publishing the mediumOfInstruction descriptor.

PSSR-241298Ed-Fi: Auto-Update StudendEdOrgAssoc When Student Address Opt-In Field Changes

Ed-Fi now auto republishes the StudendEdOrgAssoc resource of a student when the Address Opt-in field is updated.

PSSR-239962Ed-Fi: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Field for State SQL PackagesConverted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields for better performance for the State SQL packages.
PSSR-239961Ed-Fi: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Field for Ed-Fi Packages

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields to achieve better performance for the Ed-Fi packages

PSSR-239960Ed-Fi: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Field on Students Resource

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields on Students Resource.

PSSR-239959Ed-Fi: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Field on Schedule Resource

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields on Schedule Resource.

PSSR-239958Ed-Fi: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Field on Transcript Resource

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields on Transcript Resource.

PSSR-239951Ed-Fi: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Field on Discipline Resource

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields on Discipline Resource.

PSSR-242577Ed-Fi: Course Transcripts Updates for the 2020-21 School Year

Ed-Fi now publishes SARs corresponding to school, year, and term where final grade records exist.

PSSR-242576Ed-Fi: Publish "Local" as Assigning Org ID for Local Student ID

Ed-Fi now publishes "Local" as assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode in StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations.

PSSR-234952Ed-Fi: Publish Course Transcripts

For students who are in grades 9-12, StudentAcademicRecord and CourseTranscript records now publish successfully.

PSSR-241068Ed-Fi: Publishing Grades Performance Updates

Ed-Fi publishing of Grades has been revised to improve performance.

PSSR-244161Ed-Fi: Records Not Processing When Previous Years Disabled

Filters are added to all the publishing steps to exclude the disabled years from publishing. This allows publishing for the enabled years to continue and not be interrupted by the disabled year's records.

PSSR-242906Ed-Fi: Student Program Associations Generating Error

Student Program Associations are updated to correctly publish without generating a unique constraint error.

PSSR-241492Ed-Fi: Update Contact 1 for WISEId

During WISEId process, Ed-Fi will now check to see if the unlimited contacts option "Student Contact Adoption Status" is enabled. If so, Contact 1 will come from the Unlimited Contacts page. Otherwise, Contact 1 will pull from the student's Guardian fields.

PSSR-238650Graduate Intent Page - Update

DPI no longer collects the information on the Graduate Intent page. “This information is no longer collected by DPI. For internal use only” is added under the page heading.

PSSR-239004Student Contact Adoption Status UpdateUsers were receiving an error on the Student Contact Adoption Status page. This is corrected and the user is given the option to select Yes or No to enable PowerSchool SIS Student Contacts for State/Provincial Reporting.
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