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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-235191Courses Page - Update

The following updates are made:

  • The Course Code list is updated to include SCED 7.
  • The label is updated to “SCED 7 Course Code”.
PSSR-240812Ed-Fi: Add Status Column to Downloaded Courses Views

The Download Courses view now includes a new Status column. A value of "Deprecated" displays if the course description starts with 'DO NOT USE', otherwise a value of "Active" displays.

PSSR-240804Ed-Fi: Courses View Not Displaying Academic Subject

The Ed-Fi Courses view now displays values for Academic Subject. Previously, Academic Subject did not display properly.

PSSR-238651Ed-Fi: Enrollment Records Are Not Publishing for Some Graduated Students

Enrollment records for graduated students' previous enrollments now publish in the StudentSchoolAssociation and StudentEducationOrganization resources. Previously, enrollment records prior to the student's graduation enrollment were not publishing.

PSSR-238391Ed-Fi: Publish 0 for Attendance When a Student Enrolled during School Closure

Ed-Fi now publishes "0" for attendance if a student enrolled during school closure.

PSSR-236994Ed-Fi: Publish Empty attemptStatus in Student Sections for Grade Levels Lower than Ninth Grade

Ed-FI now publishes a blank value in the attemptStatus data element in the studentSectionAssociations resource for grade levels lower than ninth grade.

PSSR-238392Ed-Fi: SPED Programs Publish Incorrect Exit Date

Ed-Fi will now publishes the previous in session date for SPED exit date.

PSSR-243749Ed-Fi: Update URLs in the Profile to Be Production URLsThe AuthURL and BaseURLs correctly point to the state's production Ed-Fi system.
PSSR-243524High School Graduation Requirements Page - UpdateThe High School Graduation Requirements page is now compatible with PowerSchool 20.4 and higher.
PSSR-239166Medium of Instruction - New
  • A new Medium of Instruction field is added to the Sections page. If the field is left blank, Ed-Fi will publish "Face-to-face."
  • Distance Education and Virtual Online Ed are moved to the Obsolete section of the page.
PSSR-239163Report to Health Dept. A - Update

Report to Health Dept. A: Version 2.1

The report is updated as per the Department of Health Services.

PSSR-239167Special Programs Page - Update

The age notations for Educational Environment Classification are removed per DPI. The Educational Environment Classification are grouped as follows:

  • Pre-School
  • School Age
PSSR-239957WI ED-FI - convert GetCF to direct extended field on Enrollment Resource

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields on Enrollment Resource

PSSR-238553WISEdata Digital Equity Indicators - New

DPI will begin collecting information related to remote learning beginning in 2020-2021. A new WISEdata Digital Equity Indicators page is added to the State/Province - WI page.

The following fields are added:

  • Internet Access In Residence
  • Internet Access Type In Residence
  • Internet Performance
  • Digital Device
  • Device Access
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