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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-239963Ed-Fi: Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Field for State Reports

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields of SRP reports for better performance.

PSSR-246483Ed-Fi: Food Service End Data Incorrect

Ed-Fi now publishes the student enrollment exit date as the Food Service record end-date if Food Service changes from year to year.

PSSR-213229Extra/Co-Curricular Activities

This report is no longer required for state reporting and is removed from the State Reports page.

PSSR-246162Roster Course and Teacher Errors

This report is no longer used for state reporting and is removed from the State Reports page.

PSSR-246163Roster Course and Teacher Listing

This report is no longer used for state reporting and is removed from the State Reports page.

PSSR-213676School-Sponsored Community Activities

This report is no longer required for state reporting and is removed from the State Reports page.

PSSR-247949Ed-Fi: SPED Downloads Not Working When Multiple V3 Profiles ExistsPreviously, downloading of SPED data would not work if multiple profiles existed for Ed-Fi V3. This has been resolved and downloads now work if there are multiple profiles.
PSSR-246890Ed-Fi: Special Education Exit Type Reason Need Additional Rules

Validation rules for Special Education Exit Types compared to the student's Exit reasons have been added.
Reason Exited: 1 Additional Valid Types: TNC, TC, BCA, HSC
Reason Exited: 3 Additional Valid Types: TNC, TC, BCA
Reason Exited: 4 Additional Valid Types: PCC, BCA, TOS, ETC, HSC, DE, MA, ODO, TC, ISM, INM, TNC

PSSR-244547Ed-Fi: CTE Programs Not Publishing With Complete DataCTE Programs published successfully for graduated and standard students and the view show the values that are published.
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