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S_WI_STU_WISE_X (ver 16.10.1)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table. This table provides WISEid-specific fields for Wisconsin.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key.

Alias_Fname16.10.1Varchar2(70)Other First Name.
Alias_Lname16.10.1Varchar2(70)Other Last Name.
Alias_Mname16.10.1Varchar2(70)Other Middle Name.
Alias_Suffix16.10.1Varchar2(20)Other Suffix (I, II, III, IV, V, Sr, Jr, SJ).
Birth_City16.10.1Varchar2(60)Birth City.
Birth_County16.10.1Varchar2(40)Birth County.
Birth_State16.10.1Varchar2(4)Birth State.
Multiple_Birth_Status19.5.1.0Varchar2(1)Multiple Birth Indicator.
Name_Suffix16.10.1Varchar2(5)Suffix (I, II, III, IV, V, Sr, Jr, SJ).
Guardian2_FN16.10.1Varchar2(70)Secondary Parent/Guardian First Name.
Guardian2_LN16.10.1Varchar2(70)Secondary Parent/Guardian Last Name.
Guardian2_MN16.10.1Varchar2(70)Secondary Parent/Guardian Middle Name.
Guardian2_Rel16.10.1Varchar2(5)Secondary Parent/Guardian Relationship (F=Father, M=Mother, G=Guardian, O=Other).
No_Release16.10.1Number(1,0)No Location Release data element indicates that a person is part of a privacy program protecting the person's location. Obsoleted in
LocateAssgn_Date16.10.1DateWSLS - Locate/Assign (SSL) Date Sent.
EUT_Date16.10.1DateWSLS - Exit Update Transaction (EUT) Date Sent.
SSL_Date16.10.1DateWSLS - School Student Load (SSL) Date Sent.
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