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S_WI_STU_MV_C (ver 18.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [Students] table. This table provides McKinney-Vento specific fields for Wisconsin.

Column Name


Data Type


Begin_Date18.8.0DateThe first date within an enrollment when a student lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
End_Date18.8.0DateThe date when a student secures permanent residence and is no longer identified as homeless.

Denotes the kind of impermanent housing or lack of housing where the homeless student stays at night. 

Valid options:

1 - Shelters and transitional housing
2 - Doubled up
3 - Hotel/motel
4 - Unsheltered


States whether or not homeless children or youth are in physical custody of a parent or legal guardian. 

Checked when student is not in physical custody of parent or guardian.

Unchecked when parent or guardian has physical custody.

Notes18.8.0ClobNotes to assist staff.  This is not required for WISEdata reporting.




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