S_WI_STU_CTEERS_X (ver 16.10.1)
This table is an extension of the [Students] table. This table provides CTEERS-specific fields for Wisconsin.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 16.10.1 | Number(10,0) | Primary Key |
ASC_TPC | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Advanced Standing Credit - Tech Prep, Completion. |
ASC_TPP | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Advanced Standing Credit - Tech Prep, Participation. |
Career_Plan | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1330R - Career Plan. |
CareerPathway_Concentrator | 18.0.0 | Varchar2(10) | The career cluster for the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator career path. |
Cert_Program_Completion | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(16) | PI-1330R - Certified Learning Completion. |
Cert_WBLM | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(16) | PI-1330R - Certificated Learning Methodology. |
Characteristic | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(14) | PI-1330R - Characteristic. |
Completion_Status | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1330R - Completion Status. |
Compulsory_School_Attend | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1330R - Compulsory School Attendance. |
ContactStatus | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1335 - Student Contact Status. |
CPST_IRC_Not_State_Approved | | Varchar2(1) | IRC - Not State Approved Certificated Programs Status Type |
CPST_St_Apprvd_Bus_Ind | | Varchar2(1) | IRC - Ste Approved Business & Industry Certificated Programs Status Type |
CPST_St_Apprvd_WTCS_Assoc | | Varchar2(1) | IRC - Ste Approved WTCS - Associates Certificated Programs Status Type |
CPST_St_Apprvd_WTCS_ETD | | Varchar2(1) | IRC - Ste Approved WTCS - Embedded Technical Diploma Certificated Programs Status Type |
CPST_St_Apprvd_WTCS_Tech_Dp | | Varchar2(1) | IRC - Ste Approved WTCS - Technical Diploma Certificated Programs Status Type |
CPST_St_Coop_DPI_Emp_Skill | | Varchar2(1) | State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills Certificated Programs Status Type |
CPST_St_Coop_DPI_Occup | | Varchar2(1) | State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational Certified Certificated Programs Status Type |
CPST_St_Coop_DPI_Youth | | Varchar2(1) | State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership Certificated Programs Status Type |
CPST_Youth_Apprenticeship | | Varchar2(1) | Youth Apprenticeship Certificated Programs Status Type |
EducStatus | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1335 - Education Status. |
EmployStatus | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1335 - Employment Status. |
HourlyWage | 16.10.1 | Number(25,10) | PI-1335 - Hourly Wage. |
HPW | 16.10.1 | Number(11,0) | PI-1335 - Hours Per Week. |
Inst_Area_Code | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Instructional Area Code. |
IRC_Not_State_Approved | | Boolean | Participated in IRC - Not State Approved Certified Career Education Program |
IRC_St_Apprvd_Bus_Ind | | Boolean | Participated in IRC - Ste Approved Business & Industry Certified Career Education Program |
IRC_St_Apprvd_WTCS_Assoc | | Boolean | Participated in IRC - Ste Approved WTCS - Associates Certified Career Education Program |
IRC_St_Apprvd_WTCS_ETD | | Boolean | Participated in IRC - Ste Approved WTCS - Embedded Technical Diploma Certified Career Education Program |
IRC_St_Apprvd_WTCS_Tech_Dp | | Boolean | Participated in IRC - Ste Approved WTCS - Technical Diploma Certified Career Education Program |
NC_Entrepre_Stu_Business | | Boolean | Participated in Non-Certified Career Education Entrepreneurship Student Business. |
NC_Internship | | Boolean | Participated in Non-Certified Career Education Internship (2020-2021 and prior). |
NC_Internship_local_Co_Op | | Boolean | Participated in Non-Certified Career Education Internship/local co-op. |
NC_Local_Co_op | | Boolean | Participated in Non-Certified Career Education Local Co-op (2020-2021 and prior). |
NC_School_Based_Enterprise | | Boolean | Participated in Non-Certified Career Education School-based Enterprise. |
NC_Simulation | | Boolean | Participated in Non-Certified Career Education Simulation. |
NC_Supervised_Ag_Exper | | Boolean | Participated in Non-Certified Career Education Supervised Agricultural Experience. |
NC_Supervised_Occup_Exper | | Boolean | Participated in Non-Certified Career Education Supervised Occupational Experience (2020-2021 and prior). |
NonCert_WBLM | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(16) | PI-1330R - Non-Certificated Learning Methodology. |
PAT_Agriculture | 18.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Agriculture and Natural Resources Education Program Area Type. |
PAT_Business | 18.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Business and Information Technology Education Program Area Type. |
PAT_FACE | 18.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Family and Consumer Science Education Program Area Type. |
PAT_Health | 18.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Health Science Education Program Area Type. |
PAT_Marketing | 18.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Marketing Education Program Area Type. |
PAT_Technology | 18.12.3 | Number (1,0) | Technology and Engineering Education Program Area Type. |
PHS_Career_Prep | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1330R - Post-High School Career Preparation. |
ProgAreaParticipation | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(15) | PI-1330R - Program Area Participation. |
SOC_Code | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(6) | PI-1335 - Standard Occupational Classification Code. |
St_Coop_DPI_Emp_Skill | | Boolean | Participated in State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills Certified Career Education Program |
St_Coop_DPI_Occup | | Boolean | Participated in State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational Certified Career Education Program |
St_Coop_DPI_Youth | | Boolean | Participated in State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership Certified Career Education Program |
Student_Progress | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1330R - Student Progress. |
TC_TPC | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Transcripted Credit - Tech Prep, Completion. |
TC_TPP | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Youth Apprenticeship, Participation. |
TC_UC | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Transcripted Credit - University, Completion. |
TC_UP | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Transcripted Credit - University, Participation. |
Teen_Single_Parent | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1330R - Teen Single Parent. |
VE_Concentrator | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1330R - CTE Concentrator. |
VE_Participant | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(5) | PI-1330R - CTE Participant. |
YAC | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Youth Apprenticeship, Completion. |
YAP | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Youth Apprenticeship, Participation. |
Youth_Apprenticeship | | Boolean | Participated in an Youth Apprenticeship Certified Career Education Program |
YouthOptionsAttend | 16.10.1 | Varchar2(10) | PI-1330R - Youth Options Attendance. |