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S_WI_SEC_CWCS_X (ver 16.10.1)

This table is an extension of the [SECTIONS] table. This table provides CWCS-specific fields for Wisconsin.

Column Name


Data Type


SectionsDCID16.10.1Number(10,0)Foreign Key.
CTE_Program18.12.3VarChar2(42)Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Programs.
CWCSTerm16.10.1VarChar2(50)CWCS Reporting Term(s).

Obsolete for state reporting as of SR installer version 18.1.0.

ClassType16.10.1VarChar2(5)Classroom Type (S = Single, M = Multiple).
GradeEarned16.10.1VarChar2(6)Grades earned.
mediumOfInstruction20.8.2.0VarChar2(10)Indicates the medium of instruction.
SecDPIEdFileNum16.10.1VarChar2(10)DPI Educator File Number (If reporting Distance Education, Virtual Online Ed or Course Options).
SecTchFormerName16.10.1VarChar2(30)Educator Former Last Name (If reporting Distance Education, Virtual Online Ed or Course Options).
SecTchLast_Name16.10.1VarChar2(30)Educator Legal Last Name (If reporting Distance Education, Virtual Online Ed or Course Options).
CourseOptionsDistrict16.10.1VarChar2(10)Course Options District Number.

Obsolete for state reporting as of SR installer version 18.1.0.

DistanceEd16.10.1Number(1,0)Obsolete - Distance Education.
ProjectBased16.10.1Number(1,0)Project Based.

Obsolete for state reporting as of SR installer version 18.1.0.

Virtual16.10.1Number(1,0)Obsolete - Virtual Online Ed.
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