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S_WI_REN_CTEERS_X (ver 18.0.0)

This table is an extension of the [ReEnrollments] table.

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
REENROLLMENTSDCID18.0.0Number(19)Foreign Key.
CareerPathway_Concentrator18.0.0Varchar2(10)The career cluster for the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator career path.
Inst_Area_Code18.0.0Varchar2(10)Submitted with CTE program information for CTE concentrators in 11th and/or 12th grade within a chosen pathway.
CPST_IRC_Not_State_Approved20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)IRC - Not State Approved Certificated Programs Status Type.
CPST_St_Apprvd_Bus_Ind20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)IRC - State Approved Business & Industry Certificated Programs Status Type.
CPST_St_Apprvd_WTCS_Assoc20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)IRC - State Approved WTCS - Associates Certificated Programs Status Type.
CPST_St_Apprvd_WTCS_ETD20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)IRC - State Approved WTCS - Embedded Technical Diploma Certificated Programs Status Type.
CPST_St_Apprvd_WTCS_Tech_Dp20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)IRC - State Approved WTCS - Technical Diploma Certificated Programs Status Type.
CPST_St_Coop_DPI_Emp_Skill20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills Certificated Programs Status Type.
CPST_St_Coop_DPI_Occup20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational Certified Certificated Programs Status Type.
CPST_St_Coop_DPI_Youth20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership Certificated Programs Status Type.
CPST_Youth_Apprenticeship20.4.3.0Varchar2(1)Youth Apprenticeship Certificated Programs Status Type.
IRC_Not_State_Approved20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in IRC - Not State Approved Certified Career Education Program.
IRC_St_Apprvd_Bus_Ind20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in IRC - State Approved Business & Industry Certified Career Education Program.
IRC_St_Apprvd_WTCS_Assoc20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in IRC - State Approved WTCS - Associates Certified Career Education Program.
IRC_St_Apprvd_WTCS_ETD20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in IRC - State Approved WTCS - Embedded Technical Diploma Certified Career Education Program.
IRC_St_Apprvd_WTCS_Tech_Dp20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in IRC - State Approved WTCS - Technical Diploma Certified Career Education Program.

NC_Entrepre_Stu_Business in Non-Certified Career Education Entrepreneurship Student Business.
NC_Internship20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in Non-Certified Career Education Internship (2020-2021 and prior).

NC_Internship_local_Co_Op in Non-Certified Career Education Internship/local co-op.
NC_Local_Co_op20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in Non-Certified Career Education Local Co-op (2020-2021 and prior).
NC_School_Based_Enterprise20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in Non-Certified Career Education School-based Enterprise.
NC_Simulation20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in Non-Certified Career Education Simulation.

NC_Supervised_Ag_Exper in Non-Certified Career Education Supervised Agricultural Experience.
NC_Supervised_Occup_Exper20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in Non-Certified Career Education Supervised Occupational Experience (2020-2021 and prior).
PAT_Agriculture18.12.3Number (1,0)Agriculture and Natural Resources Education Program Area Type.
PAT_Business18.12.3Number (1,0)Business and Information Technology Education Program Area Type.
PAT_FACE18.12.3Number (1,0)Family and Consumer Science Education Program Area Type.
PAT_Health18.12.3Number (1,0)Health Science Education Program Area Type.
PAT_Marketing18.12.3Number (1,0)Marketing Education Program Area Type.
PAT_Technology18.12.3Number (1,0)Technology and Engineering Education Program Area Type.
ProgAreaParticipation18.0.0Varchar2(15)The program area of participation.
St_Coop_DPI_Emp_Skill20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Employability Skills Certified Career Education Program.
St_Coop_DPI_Occup20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Occupational Certified Career Education Program.
St_Coop_DPI_Youth20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in State Co-op Ed. Skill Standards - DPI Youth Leadership Certified Career Education Program.
Teen_Single_Parent18.0.0Varchar2(5)Indicates if a student is a teen single parent.

Indicates a CTE Concentrator. Valid options are:

1 - Student is a Concentrator in an Operational Program of Study (POS)

2 - Student is a Concentrator not in an Operational POS

N - No

VE_Participant20.7.2.0Varchar2(5)Indicates the student is a CTE Participator.
Youth_Apprenticeship20.4.3.0BooleanParticipated in a Youth Apprenticeship Certified Career Education Program.
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