Language Instruction Education Services
Enter the Language Instruction Education Services program from the following options.
2022-2023 and Beyond Codes | |||
Code | Short Description | Description | DPI Detailed Description |
13 | BI-AIHL | American Indian Heritage Language Bilingual | American Indian indigenous language, and English, used to facilitate language, literacy and/or academic content learning. Indigenous language used for less than 50% of daily core instructional time. Language is being renewed/reclaimed in the community. |
4 | BI-DLDB | Dual Language Education - Developmental Bilingual | Minimum of 50% of daily core instruction in partner language. Language of instruction guided by the program's language-content-time allocation policy (90/10, 80/20, 50/50). |
3 | BI-DLTW | Dual Language Education - Two-Way Bilingual | Pre-K through grade 5, with program continuation into secondary school. Minimum of 50% of core instruction in partner language in grades PK-5. Language of instruction guided by the program's language-content-time allocation policy (90/10, 80/20, 50/50). High school dual language education programs include a minimum of two courses annually in the partner language. |
1 | BI-HL | Heritage Language Bilingual | Heritage language used for less than 50% of daily core instructional time. |
14 | BI -INTSPED | Bilingual - Integrated SPED | ELs with IEPs could be served within all LIEP environments. This category is ELs with significant cognitive disabilities. |
10 | BI-NEW | Newcomer Bilingual | Newcomer programs are generally stand-alone learning environments designed to meet the socio-cultural, language, and academic needs of newly arrived immigrants. These programs prepare newcomers with readiness to transition to regular LIEPs. |
2 | BI-TBEE | Transitional Bilingual - Early Exit | Students’ home language is used, in addition to English, to teach academic content. As proficiency in English increases, instruction in the students’ home language decreases. Transition to all English is complete by mid-to-late elementary school, typically within 1-3 years. |
12 | BI-TBLE | Transitional Bilingual - Late Exit | Students’ home language is used, in addition to English, to teach academic content. As proficiency in English increases, instruction in the students’ home language decreases. Transition to all English is complete by late elementary school, typically 4-6 years. Differs from a developmental bilingual program if the amount of instruction in the partner language falls below 50%. |
9 | ESL -INTSPED | ESL- Integrated SPED | ELs with IEPs should be served within all LIEP environments. This category is ELs with significant cognitive disabilities. |
8 | ESL-CB | Content-Based ESL | Instruction in which content is used as the medium for building English Language skills, the primary focus remains on learning English. |
6 | ESL-INT | Integrated ESL | English Language Development is facilitated through an EL educator’s or EL educator supported paraprofessional pushes into the general education setting. The EL teacher or paraprofessional may be supporting ELs during a mini-lesson or wait for instruction to be complete before working in a small group with ELs. Content teachers may be supported in language proficiency development. |
11 | ESL-NEW | Newcomer ESL | Newcomer programs are generally stand-alone learning environments designed to meet the socio-cultural, language, and academic needs of newly arrived immigrants. These programs prepare newcomers with readiness to transition to regular LIEPs. |
16 | ESL-SA | Stand-Alone ESL/ELD | Special Instruction in English in which English Learners are “pulled-out” from mainstream classes or enrolled in specialized ESL classes. |
15 | SEI ESL-SEI | Structured English Immersion (SEI) | An approach for rapid English language development in a non-threatening setting to gradually release students into the mainstream setting. |
7 | ESL-SEI | Sheltered ESL Instruction | Instruction that includes both language and content simultaneously. Primary focus is on academic content learning with the acquisition of English being part of the instructional outcomes. |
N/A | MISS | No LIEP Available | ELs receive academic instruction in a mainstream classroom and have no contact with a licensed EL or bilingually certified educator or LIEP programs described above. Support structures for English Learners and staff serving ELs is not continuous nor evident in district or school-wide plans. |
N/A | OTHER | Other | Other researched-based LIEP not described in this crosswalk. Program must be described for review and approval in the End-of-Year Report as outlined in the state approved ESSA LEA Plan. |
N/A | REF | Caregiver Refusal | Caregiver opts out of LIEP services offered by the district for the current year. Students retain their EL status and the district remains obligated to take the affirmative steps and appropriate actions, required by federal law, to provide access to its educational programs. |
2021-2022 and Prior Codes | |||
N/A | BDD | Bilingual - Developmental or Late - Dual Language Immersion | N/A |
N/A | BDT | Bilingual - Developmental or Late - Transitional Bilingual Program | N/A |
N/A | BT | Bilingual -Transitional Bilingual Education | N/A |
N/A | BH | Bilingual - Heritage language program or Indigenous language program | N/A |
N/A | ESL-CB | ESL/Bilingual - Content-Based ESL-Bilingual | N/A |
N/A | ESL-S | ESL - Sheltered Instruction | N/A |
N/A | ESL-I | ESL - Integrated or Co-teaching models | N/A |
N/A | NO-ESL | No ESL program available | N/A |
N/A | EN | ESL/Bilingual - Newcomer-ESL | N/A |
N/A | ESL-NB | ESL/Bilingual - Newcomer-Bilingual | N/A |
N/A | ESL-IS | ESL/Bilingual- Integrated EL-Special Education | N/A |