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Career Technical Education (CTE) Setup



This document provides a how-to and best practices for reporting Career Education.

Summary and Definitions

  • What is Career Education - The reporting of College and Career Readiness (CCR) and Career and Technical Education (CTE). More Information from DPI.
  • Certificated Program Status Type - Certificated program status type is required for each Certified Career Education program a student participates in and indicates whether the student earned certification while in the program (More Information from DPI).
  • Career Education Programs - that provide college and career readiness experiences that students can participate in and earn a certification. More Information from DPI.
    • Non-Certified Career Education Programs -
      • A school supervised work-based learning program defined by a local written cooperative education/work-based learning agreement between a school and an employer wherein the student takes academic courses and related technical instruction in conjunction with a job in any occupational field. The instruction must be planned and supervised by the school and the employer so that each directly contributes to the student's education and employability.

DPI has updated the Non-Certified Career Education programs for the 21-22 school year.  In all PowerSchool pages the appropriate programs will be displayed based the school year the user is signed into.

    • Certified Career Education Programs - Programs or work-based experiences where a student can earn a state OR business recognized certificate.
  • Career Pathway Type - "Career Pathway Type is the career cluster for the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator career path. It is  submitted with CTE program information for CTE concentrators in 11th and12th grade within a chosen pathway. Districts will continue to identify CTE concentrators. Schools may submit more than one Career Pathway Type for a CTE course, if applicable." More Information from DPI.
  • Performance Base Conversion Type - The grade performance type is important for determining student completion for CCR and CTE data reporting requirements.
  • CTE course - A CTE course is a secondary course offered through the Wisconsin program areas and must be taught by a CTE instructor licensed for that specific discipline.

Adding CTE Data to PowerSchool

  1. Performance Base Conversion Type - Needs to be set up on every Grade Scale assigned to course with students in grades 9-12.
    1. Location: Start Page > District Setup > Grade Scales
    2. Use the Edit pencil on the right side of the page to select the Grade Scale.

    3. For each Grade in the selected Grade Scale, select the appropriate Performance Base Conversion Type.

    4. If not setup PowerSchool will default based on the following criteria for the Performance Base Conversion Type.

Courses - The SCED Course Code and/or Roster Course code are what identifies a course as a CTE course.

To obtain a list of SCED Course Code and/or Roster Course codes appropriate to identifying a course as a CTE course:

  1. From the Start Page at the district office or a school select Data Exchange > Select your profile for the 2021-2022 School Year > State Courses (Public Only) and select Review
  2. For the category select EDFI_WI_3_CTE_Courses Views
  3. For the data view select CTE Courses
  4. The Course Code and SCED code for all CTE related courses are displayed.

 Additional information is available on the DPI Courses list.

    1. Location: 
      1. Data Exchange: Start Page > Data Exchange > WISEdata > Review - State Courses (Public Only)
      2. Courses: Start Page > District Setup > Courses
        1. CIP Code
        2. Vocational Class
        3. Career Tech
    2. Use the filter for Course Number or Course Name to select a course that needs to be updated.
    3. Select the course that needs to be updated by clicking on the Number or the Name.
    4. On the District General Tab for the course update the CIP Code with the appropriate IAC Code and check the Vocational Class or Career Tech option.
    5. The appropriate Dual Enrollment Credit option must be selected when applicable to a Course for the reporting of College and Career Readiness.  Starting with the 2021-2022 school year more than one Dual Enrollment Credit option may be selected for a course.
  1. Sections - A CTE course’s section can have a Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program selected if it will be  applicable to all students in the section.
    1.  Location:  Start Page > School Setup > Sections

    2. On the CTE Reporting Section of the page select the Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program
      1. This is required if all students in the section will be submitted as participating in a Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program.

      2. If only some of the students are in a program, the entry is made from the students Career Technical Education (CTE) page.  Refer to #3 Students, Location,  i or ii.
      3. Starting with the 2021-2022 school year more than one Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program can be associated with a section.
    3. IMPORTANT: If the Certified Career Education Program is set at the Section and Nothing is set at Historical Grades, when data reaches DPI it will result in ERROR 6795.

  2. Students - The Career Technical Education Page is broken down into 4 different sections
    1. Location:
      1. Current Enrollment: Start Page > Student Selection > Wisconsin State Information > Career Technical Education (CTE).
      2. Previous Enrollment:  Start Page > Student Selection > Enrollment > Transfer Info and select the appropriate enrollment record.
    2. The CTE Reporting Fields for students who participated in Certified Career Education Programs (CCEP is used to report certifications that are not attached to a section of a course in a student’s schedule or when a student obtained multiple certifications for a single course. 
    3. The CTE Reporting Fields for students who participated in Non-Certified Career Education Programs is used to report programs that are not attached to a section of a course in a student’s schedule or when a student obtains multiple certifications for a single course. Do not use these fields for a program that is already being reported in Historical Grades that is tied to a section for a student. The duplicate entry of programs will cause CTE data to be reported in an unpredictable way (whichever program is reported last through Ed-Fi will take precedence).
    4. The CTE Reporting Fields specific to Concentrators need to be reported for all students that meet the criteria of a Concentrator.

    5. Select a student > Enrollment > All Enrollments > Edit Enrollment Record.  This is applicable starting with the 2021-2022 school year.
      1. If the section the student was enrolled in has been reported with more than one Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program but the student did not participate in all of the Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Programs specified thru this enrollment.  The Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program(s) the student participated in are specified here. 
      2. If the program is a Certified Career Education Program the student's Certified Programs Status Type is specified as indicated in 4a above.
  3. Single Parent - This field is required for all students in grade-level range 11-12 for districts that participate in the Carl Perkins Grant. Refer to Single Parent on the DPI website for additional information.
    1. Location: Start Page > Student Selection > Wisconsin State Information > WISEdata Student Information.
    2. Single Parent- Select Yes if appropriate otherwise leave blank. 
  4. Historical Grades - This only applies to CTE reporting prior to the 2021-2022 school year.
    1. Location: Start Page > select a student > Historical Grades > select new or existing grade
    2. If at the Section Level a Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program was selected it will automatically fill in on the Historical Grade level.
      1. The system only allows Certified/Non-Certified Career Education Program to be set at the Section Level.
      2. If a Certified Education Program was selected, then the Certificated Program Status Type should also be filled in.
  5. Publishing CTE and CCR Programs
    1. From either the school of enrollment or in the District Office from under Data Exchange select the current year's profile
    2. For Student Programs Select Run Now and select the Data Publishing Option (Publish Changes or Publish All)
    3. Repeat for Student Sections
    4. Review what has been published by selecting the Review button

  6. Examples
    1. If not all students in a Section will be taking part in the Certified or Non-Certified Program leave this blank and set the Certified or Non-Certified Program and Program Status Type on the student Career Technical Education Page.
      1. If reporting an additional Certified Career Education Program, a Certificated Program Status Type is also required.
      2. If reporting a Non-Certified Career Education Program, only check the box for the program.
    2. Prior to 2021- 2022 - If all students in a Section will be taking part in the same Certified or Non- Certified Program set this at the Section Level in PowerSchool. This will set the program at the Historical Grade Level when grades are stored. Once grades are stored the program status will have to be manually put in on the Historical grades tab.
      1. Certified Program Status Type is only required for Certified Career Education programs. No entry is required for Non-Certified programs
      2. If multiple programs were specified in the section, individual students may need to have the specific programs they participated in specified in their All Enrollments > Edit Enrollment Record page.  
    3. If you have a student that will be earning additional certifications, enter this information on the student Career Technical Education Page
      1. If reporting an additional Certified Career Education Program, a Certificated Program Status Type is also required
      2. If reporting a Non-Certified Career Education Program, only check the box for the program
    4. A CTE Concentrator must have the following completed:
      1. A Career Pathway Type (Career Cluster) identified by the student.
      2. CTE Concentrator  - Select Y - Yes.
      3. An IAC Code Type appropriate for the student’s Career Pathway Type
      4. A least one Program Area Type (Multiple may be submitted) 
    5. A specific section has been indicated as having several different Certified Career Education Programs associated with the section however, not all students in the section participate in each program. 

      1. Select School > Scheduling > Sections > and then the specific Section from the list of courses and select the students by clicking the number of students enrolled from the Enrollment Column.
      2. Make the students your current selection with the Make Current Selection button.
      3. From Group Functions select Student Screens > All Enrollments and click Submit.
      4. Select a student’s last name and the All Enrollments page is presented.
      5. Locate the desired student enrollment and click the edit link.
      6. A list of the CTE programs from the section are displayed, select the program(s) that are appropriated for the specific student you are working with.
      7. Click the last name of the next student in the section and repeat.

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