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Additional Resources

See the following resources for more information on PowerSchool and Wisconsin state reporting.

On this page:

PowerSchool SIS

Use PowerSchool Administrator Help to learn about the PowerSchool Student Information System (SIS), to serve as a reference for your daily work, and to assist you in navigating through the system. For the most up-to-date information, click Help and select System Help on any page in PowerSchool.

PowerSchool Data Dictionary

The PowerSchool Data Dictionary provides a comprehensive list of all the PowerSchool database tables and views, including Reporting Views, SIS Views, PowerSchool Tables, and PowerTeacher Gradebook Tables. To access, click Help and select Data Dictionary on any page in PowerSchool.

Release Notes

To learn more about a specific release, see the release notes. Release notes are available in the PowerSchool online help. To access, click Help and select System Help on any page in PowerSchool, and then click Release Notes and locate the version of PowerSchool you would like to read about.

PowerSchool Data Exchange

Ed-Fi Resources

Wisconsin Ed-Fi Administrator Setup Quick Reference Guide

The Wisconsin Ed-Fi Administrator Setup Quick Reference Guide provides details on the required steps to enable and configure PowerSchool for the Wisconsin Ed-Fi implementation.  Topics include the PowerSchool Ed-Fi Plugin, Ed-Fi Setup, Download Data process, and Ed-Fi Code Set Mapping.

Wisconsin State Resources

IMPORTANT NOTE:  DPI provides PARTIAL data files to districts to help complete the whole CRDC survey. About 60% of the data an LEA submits is replicated in state data collections. By converting the identical data that an LEA submits to DPI into an CRDC - compatible file format, the burden of the CRDC survey is greatly reduced on LEAs. Accuracy and timeliness is increased as well.  Wisconsin Districts which elect to opt out of receiving DPI data files will be responsible for providing each data element required for CRDC. 

Please refer to the WI DPI CRDC Question Map to Data Support Matrix for a complete listing of data that will be provided by DPI.

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