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S_WA_STU_Grad_Req_X (ver 16.12.3)

This table is an extension of the [STUDENTS] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Foreign Key

CertofAcademicAchieve16.12.3Varchar2(20)Certificate of Academic Achievement. Migrated from [Students.WA_CertofAcademicAchieve].
CertofIndividualAchieve16.12.3Varchar2(20)Certificate of Individual Achievement. Migrated from [Students.WA_CertofIndividualAchieve].
CulminatingProject16.12.3Varchar2(10)Culminating Project. Migrated from [Students.WA_CulminatingProject].
ExpectedGradYear16.12.3Number(11,0)Expected Year of Graduation. Migrated from [Students.Expected_Grad_Year].
GradRequirementsYear16.12.3Number(11,0)Graduation Requirements Year. Migrated from [Students.WA_GradRequirementsYear].
HighSchoolBeyond16.12.3Varchar2(10)High School and Beyond Plan. Migrated from [Students.WA_HighSchoolBeyond].
MathematicsStandard16.12.3Varchar2(10)Mathematics Standard (only required when the Graduation Requirements Year is 2013 or later). Migrated from [Students.WA_MathematicsStandard].
MathematicsYear116.12.3Varchar2(10)Mathematics Year 1 (Not included on the Transcript 2008 and Beyond). Migrated from [Students.WA_MathematicsYear1].
MathematicsYear216.12.3Varchar2(10)Mathematics Year 2 (Not included on the Transcript 2008 and Beyond). Migrated from [Students.WA_MathematicsYear2].
ReadingStandard16.12.3Varchar2(10)Reading Standard (Required through the class of 2013. Optional for the class of 2014/2015. Replaced with "English Language Arts" beginning with the class of 2016). Migrated from [Students.WA_ReadingStandard].
ScienceStandard16.12.3Varchar2(10)Science Standard (only required when the Graduation Requirements Year is 2015 or later). Migrated from [Students.WA_ScienceStandard].
StateHistory16.12.3Varchar2(10)Washington State History (only required when the Graduation Requirements Year is 2013 or later). Migrated from [Students.WA_StateHistory].
WritingStandard16.12.3Varchar2(10)Writing Standard (Required through the class of 2013. Optional for the class of 2014/2015. Replaced with "English Language Arts" beginning with the class of 2016). Migrated from [Students.WA_WritingStandard].
GraduationPathway20.4.3.0Varchar2(10)Student's status for the Graduation Pathway.
ASVABTestStatus20.8.1.0Varchar2(1)Indicates if the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test is available for the student.
ASVABTestScore20.8.1.0Varchar2(3)The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test score the student received.
ASVABTestYear20.8.1.0Varchar2(4)The school year that the student took the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).
CreditWaiver20.8.1.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether or not a student has been authorized, under district policy, to waive up to 2 credits due to the student's individual circumstances.
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