S_WA_REN_X (ver 16.8.0)
This table is an extension of the [REENROLLMENTS] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
ReEnrollmentsDCID | 16.8.0 | Number(10,0) | Foreign Key |
CountyOfRes | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(10) | Home County District Code. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.CountyOfRes]. |
CTEAssessment | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(2) | Did the Student Take or Pass a State or Nationally Recognized Assessment Test of Technical Skill and Knowledge? (no longer used in reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.CTEAssessment]. |
DistrictEntryDate | 16.12.3 | Date | District Entry Date. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.DistrictEntryDate]. |
ExcludeFromCEDARS | 16.12.3 | Number(1,0) | Exclude From CEDARS Reports Only indicator. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_ExcludeFromCEDARS]. |
ForeignExchange | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Student Exchange Status (B24). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_ForeignExchange]. |
FosterCare | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Is the Student in Foster Care? (invalid beginning 2013-2014). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_FosterCare]. |
Gifted | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Gifted/Highly Capable indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_Gifted]. |
Grant21stCentury | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | 21st Century Community Learning Program indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_Grant21stCentury]. |
HomeBasedAncillaryService | 16.12.3 | Number(25,10) | Home-Based Service Hours. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_HomeBasedAncillaryService]. |
HomeBasedPartTime | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Home-Based Student? (Part-Time Status and Services). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_HomeBasedPartTime]. |
HomeBasedServiceType | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Home-Based Service Type? (Part-Time Status and Services). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_HomeBasedServiceType]. |
Homeless_code | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Homeless indicator (For 2010-2011). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.homeless_code]. |
Immigrant | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Immigrant indicator (invalid beginning 2014-2015). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_Immigrant]. |
IndustryCert | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Industry Certification indicator (no longer used in reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.IndustryCert]. |
InitialUSAEnrollment | 16.12.3 | Date | Initial USA School Enrollment (B32). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_InitialUSAEnrollment]. |
KinderProgram | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Kindergarten Program Enrollment (CEDARS). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_KinderProgram]. |
KinderProgramHistoric | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Kindergarten Program (07-08 CSRS report) (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.KinderProgram]. |
LAPMath | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Math indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_LAPMath]. |
LAPReading | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Reading indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_LAPReading]. |
Migrant | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Services from Title I Migrant indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_Migrant]. |
MilitaryFamilyIndicator | 16.8.0 | Varchar2(2) | Indicates the student has a parent or guardian in the military, either active or reserves. |
NumMonthsUSASch | 16.12.3 | Number(11,0) | Number Months US Attendance in School (invalid beginning 2014-2015). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_NumMonthsUSASch]. |
NumMonthsNonUSASch | 16.12.3 | Number(11,0) | Number Months Non US Attendance in School. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_NumMonthsNonUSASch]. |
P223ExclReason | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(15) | P223 Exclusion Reason. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_P223ExclReason]. |
PreSchool | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Early Education Program indicator (Head Start, Early Start, or Pre-Kindergarten) (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_PreSchool]. |
PrimarySchool | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Student's Primary School indicator. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_PrimarySchool]. |
PriNighttimeRes | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Primary Nighttime Residence (beginning 2011-2012). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_PriNighttimeRes]. |
PrivateSchoolPartTime | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Private School Student? (Part-Time Status and Services). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_PrivateSchoolPartTime]. |
PrivateSchoolServiceType | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Private School Service Type? (Part-Time Status and Services). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_PrivateSchoolServiceType]. |
PrivateAncillaryService | 16.12.3 | Number(25,10) | Private School Service Hours. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_PrivateAncillaryService]. |
Resubmit | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Resubmit Student indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_Resubmit]. |
RunningStart | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(3) | Running Start (RS) Enrollment. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.RunningStart]. |
SchoolChoice | 16.12.3 | Number(11,0) | School Choice Option. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_SchoolChoice]. |
SchoolEntryDate | 16.12.3 | Date | School Entry Date. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.SchoolEntryDate]. |
Section504 | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Accommodations from a Section 504 Plan indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_Section504]. |
Socio_status | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(5) | Free/Reduced-Price Meal Eligibility Status or Low Income. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.socio_status]. |
State_ExcludeFromReporting | 16.12.3 | Number(1,0) | Exclude From All State Reports indicator. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.State_ExcludeFromReporting]. |
Supplemental | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Supplemental Services indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_Supplemental]. |
TASMath | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Title I Targeted Assistance (TAS) Math indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_TASMath]. |
TASReading | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Title I Targeted Assistance (TAS) Reading indicator (no longer used for state reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_TASReading]. |
VocationalCompleter | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Vocational Completer indicator (no longer used in reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.VocationalCompleter]. |
WASL_MathTeacher | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(40) | WASL Mathematics Sort Order. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_WASL_MathTeacher]. |
WASL_RWTeacher | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(40) | WASL Reading Writing Sort Order. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_WASL_RWTeacher]. |
WASL_ScienceTeacher | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(40) | WASL Science Sort Order. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.WA_WASL_ScienceTeacher]. |
P223DistOfRes | 17.6.0 | Varchar2(10) | Resident District Code to Report on P223. Only required if different from serving district. Migrated from [ReEnrollments.P223DistOfRes]. |
TechPrepCompleter | 17.6.0 | Varchar2(1) | Tech Prep Completer indicator (no longer used in reporting). Migrated from [ReEnrollments.TechPrepCompleter]. |
ExcludeFromP223 | 17.6.0 | Boolean | Exclude From P223 Reports Only indicator. Migrated from [Students.WA_ExcludeFromP223]. |
ConfirmedTransfer | 18.5.0 | Varchar2(2) | Confirmed Transfer In. |