S_WA_CC_X (ver 16.12.3)
This table is an extension of the [CC] table.
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
CCDCID | 16.12.3 | Number(10,0) | Foreign Key |
CTEAssessment | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(2) | Status code for the student taking State or Nationally Recognized Assessment Test of Technical Skills and Knowledge. Migrated from [CC.CTEAssessment]. |
IndustryCert | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates Industry Certification. Migrated from [CC.IndustryCert]. |
TechPrepCompleter | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates Tech Prep Completer. Migrated from [CC.TechPrepCompleter]. |
VocationalCompleter | 16.12.3 | Varchar2(1) | Indicates Vocational Completer. Migrated from [CC.VocationalCompleter]. |
IndustryCertEarned | | Varchar2(100) | Indicates if a student earned an 'Industry Recognized Certifications' for a CTE program. |