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Vermont Manual Install Directions

Pre-installation requirement: All Vermont customers must be running PowerSchool 12.1.x or later before attempting the VT installation.

Manual Install of Vermont State Reporting

  1. Creating an SFTP Site
           a. Start Page > System Administrator > System Settings > Plugin Management Dashboard > Remote Connection Manager
  2. Set State to Vermont
  1. Either from PowerSchool Installer, or via the UI in PowerSchool 12.1
  • Load VT Folder to PowerSchool server:
  1. Download directory  (reporting-usa-vt- from:
  2. On your PowerSchool QA Server, save the entire folder to: C:\Program Files\PowerSchool\application\components\
  • Restart PowerSchool Application
  1. This will create the S_VT extended tables
  • Run Load Server Reports
  1. Start Page > System Administrator > Special Operations

                          i.      Operation: Load Server Reports

        1. Param1: @republishSRP=ON@
        2. Param2:   <leave Blank>
        3. Code: solo flight
        4. Submit

        Note: These pilots have been granted permission but it is suggested NOT to run this on the production server.

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