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Vermont Announcements

Date Updated: June 16, 2020

Welcome to the Vermont Announcements page! Check this page to find out about current known issues, their status, upcoming releases, PowerSchool updates that pertain to Vermont State reporting and, other more general announcements.

Current Known Issues

No Outstanding Issues

PowerSchool Updates/Reminders

  • Staff Reports will be updated in the July Minor SR Release due out 7/8/2020.  This will be to exclude Staff from State Reports that have selected to be excluded from State Reporting.

  • PowerSchool SIS Supported Versions - Effective August 2019, supported versions of PowerSchool SIS will include PowerSchool SIS 19.x and PowerSchool SIS 12.x

    • PowerSchool version - Incident Management Enhancements - PowerSchool version (released in April) has a number of "ease of use" enhancements for Incident Management. These enhancements make incident creation much easier and incident Management more user-friendly in general. We HIGHLY recommend that districts upgrade to PowerSchool or greater prior to the start of the 19-20 year. Upgrading should make STARS discipline reporting much easier. 
      Important: If you decide to not upgrade to PowerSchool or greater, you must be running a version of PowerSchool 12.x by the end of August. Districts still on PowerSchool 11.x will not be able to apply state updates.

Other Updates/Reminders

  • Make sure you are set to get release note notifications and technotes! Subscribe to state reporting updates in the PowerSchool Community. For instructions, visit Subscribing to Product Communications.

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