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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Ed-Fi : Staff Employment Resource Updates - Staff Assignment

The correct codeset values have been configured for ‘Employment DOES NOT require license’ and 'Employed-Position requires VT license' of the employmentStatusDescriptor.


Ed-Fi Handling Of Tuition Students (studentprogramassociation)

When the tuition student check box is checked, the student programs should be published as 'Universal PreK'/'Tuitioned Student' based on grade level under the programs and Student programs resource.


Elements logic change in Studentschoolattendanceevent resource

The following field logic has been updated per the VT Attendance report(SRP- 7_PS_ATT).

  1. attendanceEventCategoryDescriptor

  2. eventDate

  3. eventDuration

  4. StudentUniqueId

  5. Schoolid.

In addition to this, all positive attendance types are excluded, which means the "in attendance“ type is not part of the publication.


ReEnrollment page issue after PS_24.3 upgrade

Added new field in S_VT_REN_X and updated UI logic to save the value based on the reenrollment data.


Student Home study Program

A new checkbox is created for Home_study and is displayed on the enrollment pages. Based on whether the checkbox is checked, StudentProgramAssociation should publish the Home_study program for each enrollment.

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