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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


VT Ed-fi 6.1 - Element changes - Program related resources

Changes have been made to the Program related resources in VT Ed-fi 6.1. The modifications include adding elements to StudentHomelessProgramAssociations, StudentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociations, and StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociations resources.


VT Ed-fi 6.1 - New Resource - StudentDisciplineIncidentNonOffenderAssociations for VICTIMS

A new resource, StudentDisciplineIncidentNonOffenderAssociations, has been added to the VT EDFI profile. This resource includes mappings for incidentIdentifier, schoolId, studentUniqueId, and disciplineIncidentParticipationCodes to corresponding fields in a report.


VT Ed-fi 6.1 - Update mapping for Programs and StudentProgramAssociations (SPA)

The mapping of Programs and StudentProgramAssociations (SPA) has been updated to align with standards for Ed-Fi 6.1.

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