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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-235928Extracts Two Student Records When Student Promoted Midyear

Report 04_PS_Enroll: Version 2.0

The report output has been adjusted so that when a student has a new enrollment created in the same school (for example, when changing grade levels, admission or tuition status, 504 eligibility, etc), no additional record is created. This ensures no duplication of key fields such as SY, ADMINID, ENRORGID, PERMNUMBER, and ENRBEGDATE.
If a new enrollment supersedes an existing enrollment in the same school, the most recent data is reported.

PSSR-239632VT- 10_EmpOrg Report

Report Name: 10_EmpOrg Version 1.4
The 10_EmpOrg extract will result in a single record for a Teacher who teaches at multiple schools under the same EMPORGID.

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