State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-227019 | 04_PS_Enroll to provide a default value for NSLELG if output is blank or NULL | 04_PS_Enroll: Version 1.8 If there is no value entered for the NSLELG field and report output would be blank or NULL, the extract will populate a default value of '96'. |
PSSR-226639 | 15_ StudentSecResults Provide a Way to Store Proficiency Standards for Final Grad | 15_StudentSecResults: Version 1.4 Final grades that are tied to standards-based courses are now included in the report. For courses that use standards-based grade scales, the color level (green, light green, yellow, orange, and red) of the proficiency grade will be output as the COURSELETTERMARK as follows:
PSSR-226461 | 4_PS_Enroll - Students with EntryDate Before School Report Start Date are missing | _4_PS_Enroll: Version 1.8_ The report was modified to include students with Entry dates that are earlier than the Report Start Date, but within the appropriate school year. |
PSSR-229768 | CRDC Final Grade Store Codes Page | One of the elements that CRDC reports on is how many students passed Algebra I. To derive this information, the valid Store Code for the class Final Grade needs to be defined. Some schools may store it in S1/S2, some may store it in F1 or Y1, and so on. This page allows each school to define what Store Code to look at to find the Final Grade, based on the Term of a particular class. This Final Grade Store Code mapping page may be accessed either through the School CRDC page (the link, Vermont Final Grade Store Code Mapping, is found under the heading COUR-4a/b. Students Who Passed Algebra I), or can be accessed from the Edit School page, just above the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) link. |
PSSR-227860 | CRDC Update Course Pages for CRDC Implementation | CRDC link is available on the Course page to go to courses/state/common/courseCRDC.html DSED-1, DSED-2. PENR-3, PENR_4 fields are removed from the course CRDC page. |
PSSR-227861 | CRDC Update Sections Pages for CRDC Implementation | CRDC link is available on the Section page to go to sections/state/common/sectionCRDC.html DSED-1, DSED-2. PENR-3, PENR_4 fields are removed from the section CRDC page. |
PSSR-228141 | Expose ADM Fields From the AOE Census Tab on Create New Enrollment, Re-Enroll In School, and Enroll a New Student pages | You can now enter updated ADM data when enrolling a new student, creating a new enrollment, or re-enrolling a student in school. If the District has opted to see the ADM fields only on the State AOE Census tab, the ADM fields are visible on the Enroll a New Student page. Default values for new enrollments:
PSSR-227858 | School CRDC Data collection | The ability to collect CRDC data pertaining to each School is now provided. Navigate to District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The link to CRDC page is at the bottom of the Edit School page. |
PSSR-227678 | State Extracts Need to Report Non-Teaching Staff | 00_Staff Identity: Version 1.4 State extracts now report Non-Teaching Staff and District Office staff. The District Office staff will have the District number as the POSID by default. Users will need to go into the district office staff VT Place of Service page and update the FTE and Roles accordingly for these staff to appear on the staff reports. |
PSSR-229972 | VT - 11_POS and 11a_POS_Role No Records Found - Updated Requirements | 11_POS Report: Version 1.5 The 11_POS and the 11a_POS_Role extracts pull current school year teachers and staff, even if the RoleID, FTE, or POSENDDATE is blank. If the POSENDDATE is greater than the report run date, the POSENDDATE will be blank. Additionally, both the reports are getting the same teachers, per requirement, even if the Role is not assigned. |
PSSR-226920 | VT - CIRS Reports Updates for default values if output for identified fields are blank or NULL | 16_CIRS_Incidents: Version 1.6 CIRS extracts contain the provided default values only if the report results in no value from existing data.
PSSR-227857 | VT - CRDC District Data Collection Implementation | The CRDC link is available on the District Info page. This link directs the admin to go to the districtinfo/state/common/districtCRDC page in order to configure the CRDC data collection for the district. DSED-1 field is removed from districtCRDC page |
PSSR-227856 | VT - CRDC Staff Data Collection Implementation | CRDC link is available on stateVTstaff.html to go to the faculty/state/common/facultyCRDC.html page. |
PSSR-227855 | VT - CRDC Student Data Collection | Districts will now be able to report student data for the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). This is accessible from the VT State/Province tab page and also from a link on Edit Current Enrollment for students. Data collected are:
PSSR-227862 | VT-CRDC Discipline Implementation | Incident Management codes for OFFN-1(Offence) and Restraint have been added to the Incident management page. To update the code, perform the following steps: