S_VT_STU_X - (ver16.9.2)
Column Name | Version | Data Type | Description |
StudentsDCID | 16.9.2 | Integer(10,0) | Primary Key |
SS504 | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Section 504 Services |
FOOD_STAMPS | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | Family Receiving Food Stamps |
EST | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: EST State Field Desc: Educational Support Services (ACT 117) State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not the student is receiving services that were discussed and planned at an educational support team meeting for which there is written documentation. Also, whether or not there is a written plan is maintained. |
NSLELG | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(2) | State Element Name: NSLELG State Field Desc: Eligible for National School Lunch Prog State Definition: A codeset value indicating a student's eligibility for free or subsidized breakfast or lunch programs. |
HOMELESS | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: HOMELESS State Field Desc: Student classified as homeless State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student was classified as homeless at any time during the reported school year. |
MKSERVICE | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: MKSERVICE State Field Desc: Identifies students served by McKinney-Vento State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether a student identified as homeless received services under McKinney-Vento at any time during the school year. |
UNYOUTH | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: UNYOUTH State Field Desc: Homeless Unacc Youth State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a homeless youth was in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. |
NTRESNO | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(2) | State Element Name: NTRESNO State Field Desc: Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence State Definition: A codeset value indicating the category of Primary Night Residence for the student at the time of initial homeless identification. |
DUAL_ENR | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: DUAL_ENR State Field Desc: Dual Enrollment State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student participated in Vermont's Dual Enrollment program at any point in the school year. |
T1SERVICES | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: T1SERVICES State Field Desc: Targeted Services Provided State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving any Title 1 Targeted Assistance Services. |
IST1RLA | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: IST1RLA State Field Desc: Title 1 reading/language arts instructional services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Reading/Language Arts. |
IST1MATH | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: IST1MATH State Field Desc: Title 1 math instructional services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Mathematics. |
IST1SCIENCE | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: IST1SCIENCE State Field Desc: Title 1 science instructional services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Science. |
IST1SOCIAL | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: IST1SOCIAL State Field Desc: Title 1 social sciences instructional services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Social Sciences. |
IST1VOC | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: IST1VOC State Field Desc: Title 1 vocational/career instructional services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Vocational/Career. |
IST1OTHER | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: IST1OTHER State Field Desc: Title 1 other instructional services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving other types of Title 1 instructional services. |
SST1HEALTH | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: SST1HEALTH State Field Desc: Title 1 health, dental and eye care support services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 support services such as health, dental, and eye care. |
SST1GUID | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: SST1GUID State Field Desc: Title 1 guidance/advocacy support services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 supporting guidance/advocacy support services. |
SST1OTHER | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: SST1OTHER State Field Desc: Title 1 other support services State Definition: A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving other types of Title 1 support services. |
ADMTDIST | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(6) | State Element Name: ADMTDIST State Field Desc: Town District Residence State Definition: The VT AOE assigned a unique identifier for the town district of residence. |
ADMTYP | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(1) | State Element Name: ADMTYP StateField Desc: ADM Type State Definition: A codeset value indicating the ADM Type (Resident/State Placed). |
ADMHOURS | 19.6.0 | Number(25,10) | State Element Name: ADMHOURS State Field Desc: # of Hours Expected in School State Definition: The number of hours in school the part-time student is expected to attend each week. |
ADMBEG | 16.9.2 | Date | State Element Name: ADMBEG State Field Desc: ADM Start Date State Definition: The month, day, and year marking the beginning of the student's inclusion in the ADM count. |
HS_ACTIVTDISTID | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(6) | State Element Name: HS_ACTIVTDISTID State Field Desc: Home Study Town Dist of Res State Definition: The VT AOE assigned a unique identifier for the student's town district of residence. In this context, the town district of residence should reflect the home study student's activity period. |
HS_ACTIVADM | 16.9.2 | Integer | State Element Name:HS_ACTIVADM State Field Desc: Home Study Activity ADM State Definition: The summation of ADM values corresponding to all eligible activities where a home study student may be credited a proportional Average Daily Membership (ADM). |
FUNDSOURCE | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(2) | State Element Name: FUNDSOURCE State Field Desc: Funding Source State Definition: A codeset value indicating the person, group, or organizational entity paying for a student's educational expenditures. These expenditures are typically paid by the student's resident district by operating a school, paying tuition, or paying union assessments. However, a student's expenses may be covered by an alternative agreement between the school board and another party. The school district may assume the responsibility for a non-resident, non-member student or the school district may be given funding to pay for that student's educational expenses. |
ADMINSTAT | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(2) | State Element Name: ADMINSTAT State Field Desc: Admission Status State Definition: A codeset value indicating the status assigned to an instance of a student's admission to a school or an educational institution. |
ENRORGID | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(6) | State Element Name: ENRORGID State Field Desc: Enrolling Org ID State Definition: The VT AOE assigned a unique identifier for an organization providing direct instructional or educational services. |
NEWENRORGID | 16.9.2 | Varchar2(6) | State Element Name: NEWENRORGID State Field Desc: ID of New Place of Enrollment State Definition: The VT AOE assigned a unique identifier for an educational organization an exiting student is planning on attending. |
OOSORGNAME | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(55) | The name of out of state educational organization. |
OOSORGADDR1 | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(50) | A codeset value indicating out of state educational organization street address. |
OOSORGCITY | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(55) | A codeset value indicating out of state educational organization city/town. |
OOSORGSTATE | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(2) | A codeset value indicating out of state educational organization. |
OOSORGZIP | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(11) | A codeset value indicating out of state educational organization zip code. |
IEP | 19.3.0 | Varchar2(1) | IEP |
Tuition_Student | 20.1.2 | Number(1,0) | This indicates whether or not the student is a tuition student. |
Tuition_ENRORGID | 20.1.2 | Varchar2(6) | A unique identifier for the tuition student enrolling organization. |