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S_VT_STU_AOE_C (ver19.3.0)

Column NameVersionData TypeDescription
ADMBEG19.3.0DateThe ADM start date.
ADMTDIST19.3.0Varchar2(6)The ADM town district residence of the student.
ADMHOURS19.6.0Number(25,10)The number of hours a student is expected in School (xx.xx format).
ADMTYP19.3.0Varchar2(1)The ADM Type (R=Resident, S=State placed). This is defined in the CODESET table.
FTE19.3.0Varchar2(1)The Full/Part-Time status.
FUNDSOURCE19.3.0Varchar2(2)A codeset value defined in the table indicating funding source.
HS_ACTIVADM19.10.1.1Number(25,10)A codeset value defined in the table indicating home study activity ADM.
HS_ACTIVTDISTID19.3.0Varchar2(6)A unique ID for home study town district of residence.
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