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Position Roles

101Preschool/PreKindergarten Teachers 
102Kindergarten Teachers 
103Elementary Teachers (Grades 1-6) 
104Secondary Teachers (Grades 7-12) 
108Vocational Teachers 
109SPED ungraded teachers 
110Itinerate teachers (Specials teachers and other teachers working across districts without set school) 
111Regular Education Paraprofessionals 
112SPED paraprofessionals 
201Attendance & Social Work Personnel 
202Guidance Counselors/Directors - Elem (Grades 1-6) 
203Guidance Counselors/Directors - Sec (Grades 7-12) 
205Psychological-Speech Pathology-Audiology-Occupational Therapy: Those who: perceive, clarify, and solve problems of adjustment and interpersonal relationships, diagnose and appraise specific speech and language disorders, identify children with hearing loss, refer students with problems in speech or hearing t medical or other professional attention.
206School Registrars 
207Admin. Assists., Clerical & Secretarial Support Staff - Student 
209Nurses Aides 
301Athletic Directors 
302Audiovisual & Instructional Technology Staff 
303Title 1 Coordinators 
304Admin. Assists., Clerical & Secretarial Support Staff – Instructional Staff 
305Curriculum Coordinators 
306EEE Directors 
308School Library Support Staff 
309Special Education Directors 
311Voc Education and Adult Ed Directors 
321Enterprise Operations 
331Community Services Operations 
402Assistant Superintendents VT SLDS DC#07_Spring_Official Reporting Instructions (Revised: March 8, 2019) Page 18 of 25 
403Admin. Assists., Clerical & Secretarial Support Staff – General Administration 
421Facilities Acquisition and Construction 
502Assistant Principals 
503Admin. Assists., Clerical & Secretarial Support Staff – School Administration 
504Department Heads 
601Business Managers 
602Human Resources Personnel 
603Food Service Staff 
604Maintenance and Security 
605Student Transportation Staff 
701Admin. Assists., Clerical & Secretarial Support Staff – Central Services 
702In-service Training Staff (for non-instructional personnel) 
703Planning, Research, & Development Staff 
704Statistical, Data Processing & IT Staff
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