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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-251616All States/Provinces: Clock In / Clock Out Report Completes Successfully

Clock In / Clock Out Report: Version 1.2
The Clock In/Clock Out Report completes successfully for schools with multiple FTE's.


All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preference link is Visible on Public Portal When Disabled

Digital Equity and Learning Preference public portal data entry has been updated and will no longer be visible when the district-level preference has not been enabled.
Additionally, when enabled, the icon in the public portal will display on the left navigation bar as expected.

PSSR-240154Convert GetCF to Direct Extended Fields: VA State Transcript

VA State Transcript: Version 3.7

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields to achieve better performance for the VA State Transcript Report.

PSSR-240155Convert GetCF to Extended Fields: Verified Credit Update and Graduation Progress Reports

Verified Credit Update Report Version: 1.7
Verified Credit Graduation Progress Report Version: 1.4

Converted the GetCF method call to direct extended fields to achieve better performance for the identified reports.

PSSR-253086CTE Code Value Updates

The CTE Career Pathway Code field located on the student CTE tab is updated to include the following new options for the Energy CTE Cluster (17):

  1. Energy Efficiency (1701)
  2. Energy Transmission and Distribution (1702)
  3. Fuels Production (1703)
  4. Power Generation (1704)
PSSR-253655CTE Indicator Display at Section Level

The Edit Section page at Start Page > School Setup is updated to display the CTE Indicator value that is set at the Course level at Start Page > School Setup > Courses.

PSSR-252263Display Update for CTE Special Populations Codes

The description for value (4) for field 'CTE Special Populations Code' is updated to display as Non-Traditional Career Preparation (4).

PSSR-254896Master Schedule Collection 2020-21: Discontinue Teacher Role Code Value 6

On the Edit Sections page, Teacher Role Code value 'Contracted Private Provider (includes online providers but not MOPs or Virtual VA)(6)' is discontinued for selection in the drop-down for school year 2020-2021 and later.

PSSR-253414State Transcript: Update to Comment Wrapping

VA State Transcript: Version 3.8

The identified report is updated to wrap any long non-space comments entered for the School or Student Comment sections within the corresponding comment box.

PSSR-253948Student Record Collection Reports: ORA-00904: “ISNULL”: Invalid Identifier for CEP Schools

Student Record Collection Report: Fall Version 4.6

The Student Record Collection reports are updated to no longer generate error message ORA-00904: "ISNULL": invalid identifier when report parameter 'Is the school CEP?' is set to Yes.

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