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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-279006VA - Master Schedule Collection (MSC) Updates 2021-2022: UI Updates
  1. The Extended Descriptions field, located at the General tab of the Courses page, is updated as follows:
    • Value State now displays as State Provided Curriculum (S)
    • Value Local now displays as Locally Developed Curriculum (L)
    • The following inactive values are moved to the discontinued section and greyed out:
      • English as a Second Language (IE)
      • English as a Second Language (IIE)
      • English as a Second Language (IIIE)
      • English as a Second Language (IVE)

     Path: Start Page > School Setup > Courses > General tab

 2. The Work-based Learning Code field on both the Courses and Sections pages are updated to reactivate value 8 - Supervised Agriculture Experience.

 3. The Defined Class Type field located at the Edit Section page is updated to include the following values:

    • Special Education - Adapted Curriculum (7770)
    • Special Education - General Curriculum (7775)

     Path: Start Page > School Setup > Edit Section

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