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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-274670Fall SRC Report Update

Student Record Collection Extracts - Fall: Version 5.4

Updated the report to truncate the legal first name, middle name, and last name if they exceed the maximum field length in the report.

PSSR-276786Incident Management Code/Sub-Code Updates

The Load Codes/Subcodes script is updated. After running the Load Codes/Sub-Codes script, the following items are updated:

  • The behavior Subcode Code of descriptions for PD14 is updated from Handgun to Bomb
  • A new behavior Subcode Code BESO18 is added
  • The following two Action Attributes are added:
    • Notified of Charges Filed Flag
      Data Type: Yes/No
      Category: Notified of Charges Filed Flag^
      State Reportable
      Allow Comment
    • Notified of Conviction Flag
      Data Type: Yes/No
      Category: Notified of Conviction Flag^
      State Reportable
      Allow Comment
PSSR-269885Individual Student Records Collection Verification Report - RE Update

Individual Student Record Collection Verification Report- RE: Version 2.3

The report is updated to display the below error message for students with 9 or more verified credits.

“Student has received more than 9 grades with Locally Verified Credit awarded. Start Page > State Reporting - VA > SOL Scores and Credit > Verified Credit.”

PSSR-277249SRC Reports Update for Date of Entry into US Schools

The following SRC reports are updated for extracting the Date of Entry Into US Schools. If the Immigrant or SLIFE Status flag is set to Yes then the report extracts the stored value or the report extracts a null value.
Student Record Collection - Fall Version 5.6
Student Record Collection - Spring Version 5.3
Student Record Collection - EOY Version 5.6
Student Record Collection - Summer Version 4.5
Student Record Collection - SPED Version 4.6
Student Record Collection - EIMS Version 4.6
Student Record Collection - EIMS Version 4.6


VA State Transcript PDF Fails to Open

VA State Transcript report: Version 4.2

The report is updated to format pdf output when no stored-grades are extracted for students.

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