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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


2020-2021 Master Schedule Collection Report Updates

Master Schedule Collection: Version 2.8

The Master Schedule Collection Report is updated to include the required elements for the current collection year.

    • The report parameter page is updated to include the output of the K record for the Fall Only, EOY Only and record selection option for Record Type.
    • The report output file is updated to include columns and data for the B Record.
      Ethnic Flag [User]FedEthnicity
      Race Code [TeacherRaceCD]RaceCD (Logic for State Values)
      Gender [User]Gender
      Division Teaching Experience [S_VA_USR_X]Teacher_Division_Experience
      Total Years Teaching Experience [S_VA_USR_X]Teacher_Years_Experience
      Division Administrative Experience [S_VA_USR_X]Admin_Division_Experience
      Total Years Administrative Experience [S_VA_USR_X]Admin_Years_Experience
      Division Pupil Personnel Experience [S_VA_USR_X]Division_Pupil_Exp_Comp
      Total Years Pupil Personnel Experience Completed [S_VA_USR_X]Total_Pupil_Exp_Comp
      Filler Field (no data)
      Filler Field (no data)
    • The report output file is updated to include columns and data for the C Record.
      Interdisciplinary Flag [S_VA_SEC_X]Interdisciplinary_Flag.
    • The report output file is updated to include columns and data for the F Record.
      Virtual Course Indicator - Logic check the Student Level field in [S_STU_CC_X]. If no value found, section level then course level value is extracted.The report output file is updated to include columns and data for the K Record. The format is Record Type, Serving Division, Serving School, Section ID, and Connected Section ID. Data for this section is extracted based on the Interdisciplinary Flag field and comes from the [S_VA_SEC_X] table.



2020-2021 Master Schedule Collection UI Updates

The following interface updates are now available to support the 2020-2021 submission of the Master Schedule Collection Report:

  • Virtual Course Field - The field is updated to add values Blended Learning (3) and Remote Learning (4) for selection and a description modification for values 1 and 2 to include Virtual Only. The field is located on Edit Course, Edit Section, and is added to the student Edit Course Enrollment Record pages. Note: The value selected at the student course enrollment level overrides what has been set for the Section and/or Course.
  • Interdisciplinary Flag - A new field is added to the Edit Section page to indicate if a section is an interdisciplinary connected section (For K Record). The default value display is No. If Yes, a value for Interdisciplinary Section is required.
  • Interdisciplinary Section - A new field is added to the Edit Section page to indicate the Section ID (PowerSchool internal ID) of the connected section. A valid Section ID within the District and current School Year must be provided. A verification button is added to aid in verifying the entered section id. When the button is selected a pop-up window provides a listing of the following data:
    School Name:
    Course Name:
    Course Number:
    Section Teacher:
    Section Number:
    Section ID:
    • The Gender field on the Staff Information page is updated to include a Non Binary option, which stores a value of N when selected.
    • Administrator Role Code field is updated to include 5-Long Term Substitute, and the 10-Other Staff Not Connected to a Section.
    • Work-Based Learning Code field is updated to include 13-Mentorship w/140 Contact Hours on the Edit Courses page, the View Course information by Year pages, the Edit Sections page, and the Student Edit Course Enrollment Record page.
PSSR-2398152020-2021 Student Record Collection Dec 1 (Sped) Report Updates

Student Record Collection - Special Ed (Dec 1) : Version 3.5

The Special Ed (Dec 1) report now includes the following fields:

    • Head Start Provider Code
    • Regional Student Percent of Time
    • Remote Instruction Percent of Time
    • Internet Access for Remote Learning
    • Device Access for Remote Learning
    • Parental Remote Learning Decision
      #Filler Reserved for SLIFE #1
      #Filler Reserved for SLIFE #2
      #Filler1, Filler2, Filler3, Filler4, Filler5.

Values stored for these new fields can be extracted when the runtime parameter to include all fields is set to Yes.

PSSR-245989Log Table Update

The new Graded Work Provided field was added to the database and Logs page, on the Discipline Crime and Violence panel, to meet the 2020-21 VA DOE collection requirements. [S_VA_LOG_X]Graded_Work_Provided

PSSR-227651New Student Gender Value

The Gender field on the student Demographics page contains a new drop-down value for Non-Binary. When selected, a value of N is stored in the [Students]Gender field. The Legal Gender field on the student Demographics page and State/Province - VA (Legal Identification) page contains a new drop-down value for Non-Binary. When selected, a value of N is stored in the [StudentCoreFields]PsCore_Legal_Gender field.

PSSR-245607PK Funding Source Age Validation Inconsistent

The VA - PK Funding Source (found on the State/Province - VA page > on the General tab) has student age validations for two of the selections: #3 - VPI (Four-Year-Old Students) selection; and #12 - VPI (Pilot for Three-Year-Old Students) selection. If option #12 is selected, the student must be 3-years old as of September 30. If option #3 is selected, the student must be 4-years old as of September 30 of the system clocks year. These validations have been corrected on the student General tab and student enrollment pages to properly validate the PK Funding Source entry.

PSSR-240120Student Record Collection Reports Update

The new Print Students Legal Name and Gender checkbox now appears on the Student Record Collection Fall, Spring, Summer, Sped, EOY, and EIMS reports. The new checkbox replaces the previous logic used for extracting the Name and Gender fields from these reports. If the checkbox is selected, the reports look to extract the data for Student First Name, Student Last Name, Students Middle Name, and Gender from STUDENTCOREFIELDS table first. If the checkbox is not selected, reports exact the data for Student First Name, Student Last Name, Student Middle Name, and Gender from the STUDENTS table.

PSSR-243888Student Record Collection Report Updates

Student Record Collection: Fall Version 4.3, Dec1 Version 3.6, Spring 4.2, EOY Version 4.5, Summer 3.5, EIMS Version 3.7

The Daily Unexcused Attendance calculations now use the student's Daily Attendance Code for the Unexcused Truant and Unexcused-Locally Defined columns in the Student Record Collection reports (Fall, EIMS, Dec 1, Spring, EOY, and Summer), if the bridge period and daily code value are not the same. In addition, the Student Selection > SRC Unexcused Absences page uses this same calculation.

PSSR-209321VA Legacy Reports Discontinued

The SOL Student Data Upload report, the VGLA, VAAP, VSEP Student Data Upload report, and the Student Attendance Summary report on the VA Legacy Report panel are no longer available on the State Reporting tab. Additionally, an updated description now appears for the Master Schedule Collection – RE report on the VA Legacy Report panel.

PSSR-239680VA State Transcript Update

VA State Transcript: Version 3.2

The VA State Transcript report now removes any extra spacing at the bottom of the page where comments are not displayed.


Student Academic Plan Update

Converted the GetCF function call to direct Database Extension fields to achieve better performance on the Student Academic Plan page.

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