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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-2395942020-2021 Student Record Collection Updates: Fall and EIMS

Student Record Collection - Fall: Version 4.1
Student Record Collection - EIMS: Version 3.5

The Student Record Collection Fall and EIMS reports have been updated to meet the 2020-2021 submission requirements. The files have a total of 141 columns with updates as follows:

  • Column 14 - Gender Code is updated to extract value of N when [Students]Gender is N or null.
  • Columns 64,65,66 - Address line 1, Address line 2, Zip Code now extracts the student's address data.
  • Column 108 - PK Funding Source Code will extract new values 12,13 if stored.
  • Column 113 - Language Instruction Educational Program now extracts for these submissions.
  • Column 126 - Head Start Provider Code is added. Value is extracted from HeadStart_PCode [S_VA_STU_X]/[S_VA_STU_REN_X].
  • Column 127 - Regional Student Percent of Time is added. Value is not required for Fall/EIMS.
  • Column 128 - Remote Instruction Percent of Time is added. Value is extracted from RemInstr_PercentTime [S_VA_STU_X]/[S_VA_STU_REN_X].
  • Column 129 - Internet Access for Remote Learning is added. Value is extracted from InternetAccess_RemLearn [S_VA_STU_X].
  • Column 130 - Device Access for Remote Learning is added. Value is extracted from DeviceAccess_RemLearn [S_VA_STU_X].
  • Column 131 - Parental Remote Learning Decision is added. Value is extracted from Parent_RemLearnDecision [S_VA_STU_X].
  • Columns 132 and 133 aSLIFE #1 and SLIFE #2 are added. These are filler fields for future use. No data extracts.
PSSR-239381Credit Accommodation Codes Update

The Credit Accommodation code on the Student General tab has been updated to reflect the current listing of valid codes and their descriptions.

4 - Alternative Assessment - VMAST (EOC English Reading*) VMAST EOC Reading assessment will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year
12 - Courses Taught in Two Parts - Two standard credits for one sequence in a content area AND Expanded Score Range for Expedited Retake - Students with a scaled score between 350-374 are eligible for an expedited retake on that test with the exception of English Writing
13 - Courses Taught in Two Parts - Two standard credits for one sequence in a content area AND Economics and Personal Finance - Personal Living and Finance (3120) substitutes for Economics and Personal Finance (6120)
14 - Courses Taught in Two Parts - Two standard credits for one sequence in a content area AND Alternative Assessment - VMAST (EOC English Reading*) *VMAST EOC Reading assessment will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year
23 - Expanded Score Range for Expedited Retake - Students with a scaled score between 350-374 are eligible for an expedited retake on that test with the exception of English Writing AND Economics and Personal Finance - Personal Living and Finance (3120) substitutes for Economics and Personal Finance (6120)
24 - Expanded Score Range for Expedited Retake - Students with a scaled score between 350-374 are eligible for an expedited retake on that test with the exception of English Writing AND Alternative Assessment - VMAST (EOC English Reading*) *VMAST EOC Reading assessment will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year
34 - Economics and Personal Finance - Personal Living and Finance (3120) substitutes for Economics and Personal Finance (6120) AND Alternative Assessment - VMAST (EOC English Reading*) *VMAST EOC Reading assessment will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year
123 - Courses Taught in Two Parts - Two standard credits for one sequence in a content area AND Expanded Score Range for Expedited Retake - Students with a scaled score between 350-374 are eligible for an expedited retake on that test with the exception of English Writing AND Economics and Personal Finance - Personal Living and Finance (3120) substitutes for Economics and Personal Finance (6120)
124 - Courses Taught in Two Parts - Two standard credits for one sequence in a content area AND Expanded Score Range for Expedited Retake - Students with a scaled score between 350-374 are eligible for an expedited retake on that test with the exception of English Writing AND Alternative Assessment - VMAST (EOC English Reading*) *VMAST EOC Reading assessment will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year
134 - Courses Taught in Two Parts - Two standard credits for one sequence in a content area AND Economics and Personal Finance - Personal Living and Finance (3120) substitutes for Economics and Personal Finance (6120) AND Alternative Assessment - VMAST (EOC English Reading*) *VMAST EOC Reading assessment will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year
234 - Expanded Score Range for Expedited Retake - Students with a scaled score between 350-374 are eligible for an expedited retake on that test with the exception of English Writing AND Economics and Personal Finance - Personal Living and Finance (3120) substitutes for Economics and Personal Finance (6120) AND Alternative Assessment - VMAST (EOC English Reading*) *VMAST EOC Reading assessment will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year
1234 - Courses Taught in Two Parts - Two standard credits for one sequence in a content area AND Expanded Score Range for Expedited Retake - Students with a scaled score between 350-374 are eligible for an expedited retake on that test with the exception of English Writing AND Economics and Personal Finance - Personal Living and Finance (3120) substitutes for Economics and Personal Finance (6120) AND Alternative Assessment - VMAST (EOC English Reading*) *VMAST EOC Reading assessment will no longer be available after the 2018-2019 school year

PSSR-229587Edit Course Page: Display Update for Assigned Test Details

The Testing and Exams section on the Edit Course Page is updated to include the display of testing details of SOL Tests assigned to the course. The page more closely matches the display of testing information on the Edit Sections page. The details include the following items:

  • Set at
  • Test Type
  • Category
  • Code
  • Name
  • Session Name
  • Status

The page is also updated to include the count to display the number of associated Credential Exams assigned to the course.

PSSR-239819Master Schedule Collection Updates: Staff Information Page

The Staff Information page is updated to include the data entry fields needed to report Teacher/Administrator information for the 2020-21 Master Schedule Collection. The page now includes the following:

  • Division Teaching Experience [S_VA_USER_X]Teacher_Division_Experience
  • Total Years Teaching Experience [S_VA_USER_X]Teacher_Years_Experience
  • Division Administrative Experience [S_VA_USER_X]Admin_Division_Experience
  • Total Years Administrative Experience [S_VA_USER_X]Admin_Years_Experience
  • Division Pupil Personnel Experience [S_VA_USER_X]Division_Pupil_Exp_Comp
  • Total Years Pupil Personnel Experience Completed [S_VA_USER_X]Total_Pupil_Exp_Comp
  • Validation message is added for First Year Teacher; Y <= 0, N > 0
PSSR-239681Special Permission Flag on the Student's SOL Test Score Page

An update is made on the Student's SOL Test Score entry page to ensure that when unchecking the box for the 'Special Permission Flag', the box remains unchecked and the new value is stored in the database when the page is submitted.

PSSR-239695Student Record Collection 2020-21: UI Updates

To Support the 2020-2021 Student Record Collection reports, the following data entry changes are made:

General Tab:
1. PK funding source field drop down is updated as follows:

  • Value code VPI is updated to VPI (Four-Year-Old Students) (3).
  • VPI+ is discontinued.
  • New value VPI (Pilot for Three-Year-Old Students) added.
  • New value Mixed Delivery Grant Program (administered by VECF) added.

2. New validation is added for field PK funding source code as follows:

  • Page validation added for PK Funding Source Code field if PK funding source code = 3, non-public student FTE cannot be 10 or 25.
  • Page validation is added for PK Funding Source Code field if PK funding source code = 3, age of student as of 9/30 must be >=4 and < 5.
  • Page validation is added for PK Funding Source Code field if PK funding source code = 12, age of student as of 9/30 must be >=4 and < 5.

3. New Field Head Start Provider Code is added below LIEP Type field. Page validation if PK Funding Source field is 1 and Grade Code is PK then Head Start cannot be blank.

4. New field Regional Student Percent of Time is added to store the percentage of time.
5. New field Remote Instructional Percent of Time is added to store the percentage of time. 
6. New field Internet Access for Remote Learning is added to select Internet Access type.
7. New field Device Access for Remote Learning is added to select Device Access type.
8. New field Parent Remote Learning Decision is added to select Parent Decision for remote learning.

Special Ed Tab:
The field Regional Student Percent of Time is added as a hyperlink below Spec Ed Weekly Time %. When selected, admins will be taken to the student's Current Enrollment page where the field can be modified.

Enrollment Pages: 
(Current Enrollment, Previous Enrollment, ReEnrollment, Enroll New Student, Create New Enrollment)

All the enrollment pages will have the following changes.
1. PK funding source field drop down value is updated as per below.

  • Value code VPI is updated to VPI (Four-Year-Old Students) (3).
  • VPI+ is discontinued.
  • New value VPI (Pilot for Three-Year-Old Students) added.
  • New value Mixed Delivery Grant Program (administered by VECF) added.

2. New validation added for field PK funding source code as per below.

  • Page Validation added for PK Funding Source Code field if PK funding source code = 3, non-public student FTE cannot be 10 or 25.
  • Page Validation added for PK Funding Source Code field if PK funding source code = 3, age of student as of 9/30 must be >=4 and < 5. (N/A for Enroll New Student page)
  • Page Validation added for PK Funding Source Code field if PK funding source code = 12, age of student as of 9/30 must be >=4 and < 5. (N/A for Enroll New Student page)

3. New field Head Start Provider Code is added to store alpha numeric value.
4. New validarion added for Head Start Provider Code that if PK Funding Source field is 1 and Grade Code is PK then Head Start Provider Code cannot be blank.
5. New field Regional Student Percent of Time is added to store the percentage of time. 
6. New field Remote Instruction Percent of Time added to store the percentage of time. 

PSSR-232454Verified Credit Tab: Unexpected Courses Display for Grades With Alternate Course Codes

When a Historical Grade entry was made with an 'Alternate Course ID' value that links to multiple courses with the same 'Alternate Course ID' value, the Verified Credit Status tab displayed those additional courses even though the student did not take them. This issue is now resolved.

PSSR-232822Verified Credit Tab: Update Display for Retake Courses and A New EOC Test is Assigned

The Verified Credit Status tab is updated to display EOC test information for a class where the student did not receive course credit but later re-enrolled and course credit was earned.

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