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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-235821Comment Sections Added to VA State Transcript Report

VA State Transcript: Version 3.0

The VA State Transcript report is updated to print a School Comment and Student Comment section above the signature line on the last page of the transcript. The School Comments are extracted from the School/School Info page for the current school of enrollment and print for all selected students. The Student Comments are extracted as entered from the student's State/Province - VA > Transcript tab and are specific to each individual student.

PSSR-231703Discontinued Fields Section on Student Enrollment Pages

The Legacy Fields area on the Student Enrollment Pages has been enhanced. For the enrollment pages without a legacy fields area, a new area is added to group discontinued fields. For the enrollment pages with a legacy fields area, the option to show/hide discontinued fields is now available. The section with legacy items is displayed at the bottom of the page.

PSSR-217917Master Schedule Collection: Update EOY Submission to Include Summer Course Enrollment Data

Master Schedule Collection: Version 2.7

The Master Schedule Collection is updated to include information related to summer course enrollments for students. These enrollments may be courses that are needed for credit or required for promotion. To extract the expected summer data (Semester 4), the report parameter File Submission Type must be set to EOY and the parameter Record Types to Include must include C records.

PSSR-232679Page Validation for Student Intensive Support Services Code Field

When navigating to Student Selection > Transfer Info > Current Enrollment and Previous Enrollment, an alert displays next to the Intensive Support Services field if a value of 3 digits or a value with a decimal is entered. The alert reads as follows: "A valid value must be entered. See code list for an example."

PSSR-237332Student Record Collection: EOY Update - Zero Value Not Acceptable for Verified Credit Counts

Student Record Collection - EOY: Version 4.2

The report is updated so that a value of 0 for a student's Locally Awarded Verified Credits and Special Permission Locally Awarded Verified Credits is reported as Null. The report is also updated so that Seclusion and Restraint counts consider whether the CRDC/State Seclusion and Restraint fields are set to Yes (Y) when the log incident date falls within the report date range. If N or Null, the count remains as 0.

PSSR-232951Student Record Collection: Set Resident Division to Null If Active Status Code is Not V

Student Record Collection - EIM Version: 3.3, Fall Version: 3.9, Spring Version: 3.9, EOY Version: 4.1

To align with DOE validation rules, the logic in the Student Record Collection reports is updated to report a blank value for the column Resident Division if a student's Active Status Code is not V.

PSSR-230815Verified Credit Tab: New display for Verified Credits Total

On the SOL Verified Credit tab, a new label of Total Count of Entered Verified Credit(s) is added. The label displays the total count of the verified credits the student has received after processing the Update Verified Credit report.  The calculation logic is the same as the calculation used on the Grad Credit Status tab.  In addition, the label for Total Count of Verified Credit(s) is changed to Total Count of Expected Verified Credit(s).

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