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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-235342Student Record Collection - Update for EOY FieldsStudent Record Collection - EOY: Version 4.0
The Student Record Collection - EOY report is updated with logic for four data elements. For students where the Serving Division is set to 600, fields Seclusion and Restraint will have a calculated value based on qualifying log records. For all other students, the fields are set to null. For students where [S_VA_STU_X]Grad_Completer_Code is 1-9, fields Locally Awarded Verified Credits and Special Permission Locally Awarded will have a calculated value. For all other students, the fields are set to null.
PSSR-232997Master Schedule Collection Option To 'Include B Record for All Staff: Update to Honor School Selection

Master Schedule Collection - SRP

The report option to 'Include B Record for All Staff' in the Master Schedule Collection report is updated so that when enabled, the additional B records included will also consider the selected school from the school selection option. If the All Schools option is selected, the report option will continue to include all staff based on its original logic.

PSSR-232448Adding SOL Substitute Test Result Displays Incorrect Credit on Verified Credit Status TabThe Verified Credit Status tab is updated to allow the correct display of expected verified credits when adding a new SOL Substitute Test record.
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