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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-223294DSQL Error When Editing Student ATT-Legacy Tab

The student ATT-Legacy tab is updated to allow users to successfully update an existing record without the display of page exceptions or errors.

PSSR-228006Display Update of Expected Verified Credits for 2022 Graduates and Later

When an admin enters a value starting with 2022 and either a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma, the State/Province - VA > SOL Scores and Credits > Grad Credit Status tab now displays the expected number of verified credits for each subject category upon page submission.

PSSR-200975Master Schedule Collection SRP Report: New Option to Include all Staff

VA Master Schedule Collection Report: Version 2.5
A new run-time parameter to include a B record for all staff is added to the Master Schedule Collection SRP report. When enabled, staff without sections/students and who are not excluded from the MSC or B record will generate a B record.

Note: Use this parameter with caution as there is no corresponding C or D record as indicated by state guidelines, and this will cause a validation at the state level.

PSSR-213043Student Record Collection - Spring: Add Unscheduled Days Run-Time Parameters

Student Record Collection Spring: Version 3.7
The Student Record Collection Spring report is updated to mirror the Fall version of the report, which provides the ability to enter report run-time parameters to calculate the Unscheduled Days data element.

PSSR-227556VAAP SRI Report: File Updates for Spring 2020

VAAP and VSEP Student Registration Import Report: Version 1.4
The VAAP and VSEP Student Registration Import Report is updated for Spring 2020, follows:

  • Z-Code-C is now Filler.
  • Column Z-Code-F; no data extracts is added.
  • The remaining columns shift so that the End of Record is now field 48.
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