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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-225439Enrollment Data Extract: Error Generated When Duplicate Contact Records Found

Enrollment Data Extract: Version 1.2

When duplicate contact records existed in the database, the Oracle error "ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row" was generated for the report. The report is updated to select a single record when duplicates are found for contacts and generate the required result file.

PSSR-226916Enrollment Data Extract: Logic Updated to Include "Relationship" for Contacts

Enrollment Data Extract: Version 1.2

The report logic to extract parent/guardian information is updated to consider "Relationship" for contacts if the Original Contact Type field is blank. Only a relationship of Mother or Father are considered.

PSSR-225302Formerly EL Field: Description Update for Drop Down Values

The drop-down list for the Formerly EL field, located on the student SRI-Data Entry page, is updated to display new descriptions for codes 3 and 4 to align with the field requirements for the 2019-20 reporting year. The description for values 3 and 4 now display as follows:

3 - Proficiency Level 4.4 or greater/Proficiency Level 5 Spring 2017
4 - Tier B or C - Earned 5.0 or greater / Proficiency Level 5 Spring 2016

PSSR-225861New VA Extended Descriptions Values for Courses

When selecting an extended description in the VA State Reporting Section of the Edit Courses page, two new drop-down list descriptions are added for HL and SL. The previously added extended descriptions are updated to show, in parenthesis, the value that is stored when selected. For example, Agriscience & Technology (18 Weeks) is now Agriscience & Technology 18 weeks (18-A) and App Creators (9 Weeks) is now App Creators 9 weeks (AC).

Note: An extended description is only displayed once in the drop-down list, although the state assignment description may vary. The selection made should be based on the value to be stored.

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