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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-245295Discipline, Crime and Violence Report: 2021 Updates

Discipline, Crime and Violence Report: Version 2.0

The Discipline, Crime and Violence report is updated to include a last column for Graded Work Provided. The column extracts the value from the graded_work_provided field of S_VA_LOG_X table. Null value reported as N.

PSSR-245791Head Start Provider Code Link ActivatedHead Start Provider Code is updated with a new hyperlink, to display a listing of applicable state codes.  The new functionality is available on all enrollment pages and in the Information section of the Student General tab.
PSSR-245614SOL SRI Exclusion Verification Report: Z-Code Header Updates

SOL SRI Exclusion Verification Report: Version 1.3

The Z-Code labels, D, E, and F are updated to read E, F, and G respectively in the VA - SOL SRI Exclusion Verification Report as outlined by VDOE for the 2020-21 collection year.

PSSR-245688SOL VAAP: Z-Code Header Updates

SOL SRI VAAP: Version 1.5

The Z-Code labels, D, E, and F are updated to read E, F, and G respectively as outlined in the requirements for the 2020-21 collection year.

PSSR-244632Staff Information Page - Page Validations Removed

The Virginia State Information section of the Staff Information page is updated to remove the page validations for Teaching Experience and First Year Teacher.  Fields are no longer required.  Values will be stored and reported as entered.


Update for SRC Unexcused Calculation: Daily Attendance

Student Record Collection:
Fall Version 4.4
Spring Version 4.3
EOY Version 4.6
Summer Version 3.7
SPED Version 3.7
EIMS Version 3.8

The identified reports are updated to improve the calculation for Unexcused Truant and Unexcused Locally Defined when the Attendance Mode is set to Daily. The report will now accurately determine an unexcused absence for each category based on the attendance code the student has received for the day. The attendance code must be assigned to one of the required attendance code categories, UnexcusedT and UnexcusedA and Attendance Tracking and Notification setup is completed as outlined in the ATN setup guide. The student SRC Unexcused Abs tab is also updated with the same calculation.

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