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S_VA_REN_X (ver 17.8.0)

This table is an extension of the [ReEnrollments] table.

Column Name


Data Type





Foreign Key to the ReEnrollments table.


Indicates the type of diploma a student is awarded.

This field is not displayed on the Transfer > Previous Enrollment page.

ESL_Code18.3.0Number(11,0)Identifies the student's ESL status.
ExcludeEnrollment16.8.0BooleanIndicates whether the enrollment is excluded from state reporting.

Indicates the student is enrolled in a program leading to a GED, such as ISAEP or GAD program. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_GED_Code.

Grade_Level_Code16.5.0Varchar2(3)Indicates the grade level at which a student receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session.Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_GradeCode.
Graduation_Plan_Code16.6.2 Number(11,0)Indicates the post-graduate plans of the student.
Grad_Completer_Code16.5.0Number(11,0)Indicates the type of graduation diploma or completion document that the student received. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_Grd_Comp_Code.
HeadStart_PCode20.8.2.0Varchar2(2)A new field to store student's head start provider code.
Lang_Instr_Edu_Prg_Type 19.1.0 Varchar2(20)The Language Instruction Educational Program Type data.
Military_Connected15.8.2Varchar2(2)Indicates whether Student is Connected to Military.

Indicates students in a virtual school/program where the curriculum and delivery is provided by an approved Multidivision Online Provider. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_MOPFlag.

MOP_Number_Classes16.5.0Number(11,0)The number of secondary classes taken via a MOP program. Migrated from: ReEnrollments]VA_MOP_numclasses.
MOP_Resident_Division16.5.0Varchar2(20)Three-digit, state-assigned Division number of the division where the student physically resides for students in virtual schools/programs where the curriculum and delivery is provided by an approved Multidivision Online Provider. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_MOP_Residentdivision.
Non_Public_Student_FTE16.5.0Number(11,0)The non-public student FTE identifies the part-time student attending school to take one or two courses. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_np_fte.
PCT_APPORTIONMENT15.10.3Number(25,10)Percent Apportionment (Membership Share) for use by Principal's Report - value of 0.0 thru 1.0.
PK_Experience_Code17.8.0Number(10,0) State-assigned code used to identify the student’s pre-kindergarten experience for the associated enrollment.
PK_Funding_Source15.8.2Varchar2(2)Preschool Funding Source (Head Start, Title I, local funding, etc).
PK_Weekly_Time_Code17.8.0Number(10,0)State-assigned code used to represent the average amount of time the student spent each week in the program specified by the PK Experience Code for the associated enrollment.

Indicates the primary disability type for a student who is eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and who has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or services planned. Migrated from [ReEnrollments]VA_Primary_Dis_Code.


Code that defines the description of the services provided. Migrated from: ReEnrollment]VA_prov_desc.

The use of this field is discontinued and no longer resides on the Student > Edit Previous Enrollment page.


Locally defined identification number must be unique within the division (i.e. employee id, teacher id, tax id). Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_loc_prov_id.

The use of this field is discontinued and no longer resides on the Student > Edit Previous Enrollment page.


The name of the other provider. Must be the name of a specific private school, contracting company, or unlicensed individual. Migrated from: ReEnrollment]VA_prov_name.

The use of this field is discontinued and no longer resides on the Student > Edit Previous Enrollment page.

RegStu_PercentTime20.8.2.0Number(11,0)A new field to store regional percent time.
RemInstr_PercentTime20.8.2.0Number(11,0)A new field to store Remote Instruction Percent time.
Reporting_School16.5.0Varchar2(20)Four-digit, state-assigned School number that identifies the school for which membership, funding, graduation status, and high school completion status are attributed. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_ReportingSchool.
Responsible_Division16.5.0Varchar2(20)Three-digit, state-assigned Division number of the division where: A.) the student resides, B.) attends a school through open enrollment, C.) tuition is waived, or D.) any student with a disability for whom the division is legally responsible for providing a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_ResponsibleDistrict.
Responsible_School16.5.0Varchar2(20)Four-digit, state-assigned School number of the school where: A.) the student resides, B.) attends a school through open enrollment, or C.) tuition is waived. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_ResponsibleSchool.
School_Choice_Status_Code16.5.0Number(11,0)State-assigned code that indicates the student's eligibility and election to participate in School Choice.Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_SchoolChoiceStatusCD.
Serving_Division16.5.0Varchar2(20)Three-digit, state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, agency, or regional program that provides services to the student. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_ServingDistrict.

Four-digit, state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program, or placement that provides services to the student. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_ServingSchool.


Indicates whether the student was parentally placed. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SEStuWasParPlaced.

SPED_Placement_Code17.11.0Number(10,0)Identifies the placement of the special education student. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SEPlacementCd.
SPED_PRIM_DIS_SVC_Percent_Day17.11.0Number(25,10)The percent of day that the student receives services for the primary disability. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SEPriSvcPct.
SPED_Regional_TuitReimFrstSem17.5.0Number(25,10)Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_SERegTuitReimFrstSem.
SPED_Regional_TuitReimSecSem17.5.0Number(25,10)Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_SERegTuitReimSecSem.
SPED_Regional_TuitReimSumSem17.5.0Number(25,10)Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_SERegTuitReimSumSem.
SPED_Regional_TuitReim_Dis_CD17.5.0Varchar2(2)Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_SERegTuitReimDisCode.

Indicates whether the student spends 10 or more hours a week in the Regular Early Childhood Setting. Migrated from [Students]VA_SEStuInRegErlyChldSet.


Identifies the additional disability determined by the eligibility committee. This is not the classroom placement. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SESecDisCd


Serving Division of the secondary disability, if required. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SESecSrvDiv.


Serving School of the secondary disability, if required. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SESecSrvSch.


The percent of day that the student receives services for the secondary disability. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SESecSvcPct.


The percent of the day that the special education student spends in the regular class. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SERegClassPct.


Identifies a third disability, if required. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SEThirdDisCd.


The percent of day that the student receives services for the third disability. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SEThirdSvcPct.


Serving Division of the third disability, if required. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SEThirdSrvDiv.


Serving School of the third disability, if required. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SEThirdSrvSch.


Identifies whether the student receives the majority of their special education and related services in the Regular Early Childhood Setting. Migrated from: [Students]VA_SEStuInRegErlyChldSetHrs.


The total percentage of time that the student spends each week with a special education teacher(s). (This percentage should be the sum of the primary, secondary, and tertiary percentages if the student has more than one disability and more than one special education teacher). Migrated from: [Students]VA_Sp_Ed_Per.




Indicates whether student is considered Active for purposes of Student Record Collection.
Allowable values: A-Active; I-Inactive; N-Not enrolled; V-Virtual (MOP) classes


Retired by VADOE 2013 - Supplemental Education Services Status. Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_SupplEdServStatusCD

The use of this field is discontinued.

Title_1_Code17.5.0Varchar2(2)Migrated from: [ReEnrollments]VA_Title1_Code.
Tuition_Paid_Code16.5.0Varchar2(3)Indicates whether the tuition equivalent to the state's contribution towards educational costs (ADM) is paid by or received from a public entity for this student. Migrated from [ReEnrollments]VA_TuitionPaid.




State-defined reason code (only if Exit Code is W880).

Varchar2(1)Overrides the number of locally awarded verified credits earned for SRC reporting only.
SplPerm_LocAwardOverride19.8.2.0Varchar2(1)Overrides the number of special permission locally awarded verified credits earned for SRC reporting only
CreditAccomodation19.8.2.0Varchar2(10)State assigned codes for credit accommodations.
Early_Int_Serv19.8.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether student received CEIS or CCEIS services at any point during the school year.
IntensiveSupport19.8.2.0Varchar2(2)Indicates whether student receives intensive support.
Full_Time_Virtual_ProgCode21.5.3.0Varchar2(1)Full Time Virtual Program code
Parent_RemLearnDecision21.5.3.0Varchar2(1)Parental Remote Learning Decision
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