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Incident Management: Disciplinary Sanction Action Codes

Disciplinary Sanction CodesDescription
(ALT) Alt Placement by Sch Admin^Alt Placement by School Admin
(ALT2) Alt Placement by Div Admin^Alt Placement by Div Admin
(ALT3) Alt Placement by Sch Board^Alt Placement by School Board
(CR) Class Removal (Less Than 1/2 Day)^Class Removal (Less Than 1/2 Day)
(DS) Detention-Outside Rglr Sch Hrs^Detention outside regular school hours
(ISS) In-School Susp (1/2 Day or More)^In-School Suspension (1/2 Day or More)
(LOP)  Loss Of Sch Privileges/Extracurricular^ Loss of school privileges/extracurricular
(LTS) OSS by Div Admin^OSS by Div Admin
(NONE) No Disciplinary Sanction^
(SBCS) School-Based Community Service^School-based community service
(SBP) Susp of Bus Priviliges^Suspension of bus priviliges
(SBTS) OSS by Sch Board^OSS by school board
(STS) OSS by Sch Admin^OSS by school admin
Do Not Use (CAHO) Court App. Hearing Office-SPEDDo Not Use (CAHO) Court App. Hearing Office-SPED
Do Not Use (EX1) Expulsion w/Instrcl SupportDo Not Use (EX1) Expulsion with Instructional Support
Do Not Use (EX2) Expulsion w/out Instrcl SupportDo Not Use (EX2) Expulsion without Instructional Support
Do Not Use (LTS1) Long-Term w/Instrcl SupportDo Not Use (LTS1) Long-Term w/Instrcl Support
Do Not Use (LTS2) Long-Trm w/out Instr ServicesDo Not Use (LTS2) Long-Term without Instructional Services
Do Not Use (STS1) Short-Term Susp w/Instrcl SupportDo Not Use (STS1) Short-Term Susp w/Instrcl Support
Do Not Use (STS2) Short-Trm Susp w/out Instr ServiceDo Not Use (STS2) Short-Term suspension without Instructional Service
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