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S_UT_STU_X (ver 14.12.0)

This is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type





Primary Key




Pre-registered for the ELP exam field.

Entry_Doc15.3.0Varchar2(5)Code for entry documentation
Exit_Doc15.3.0Varchar2(5)Code for exit documentation
dateofentryintoUSA 15.7.0Date 

First Enrolled in US. Migrated from [Students.dateofentryintoUSA].

Note: This column will appear in the S_UT_STU_X table extension but it was migrated to this extension by mistake. Current data for this element will reside in the studentcorefields extension.


Homeless. Migrated from [Students.homeless_code].

Note: This column will appear in the S_UT_STU_X table extension but it was migrated to this extension by mistake. Current data for this element will reside in the studentcorefields extension.

indian_50615.7.0BooleanIndian 506 Form. Migrated from [Students.indian_506].
lep15.7.0Varchar2(5)Limited English Proficiency. Migrated from [Students.lep].
low_income_indicator15.7.0BooleanLow-Income Indicator. Migrated from [Students.low_income_indicator].
LunchApplic15.7.0Varchar2(5) Economic Disadvantage override. Migrated from [Students.LunchApplic].
migrant15.7.0BooleanMigrant. Migrated from [Students.migrant].
out_of_dist_tuition15.7.0Boolean Out-of-District Tuition. Migrated from [Students.out_of_dist_tuition].

Part-Time Home Schooled. Migrated from [Students.parttimestudent]. This field is no longer used for Utah state reporting. Please use the [Students.S_UT_STU_X.]PartTime field instead.

Note: This column will appear in the S_UT_STU_X table extension but it was migrated to this extension by mistake. Current data for this element will reside in the studentcorefields extension.


LEP Native Language. Migrated from [Students.primarylanguage].

Note: This column will appear in the S_UT_STU_X table extension but it was migrated to this extension by mistake. Current data for this element will reside in the studentcorefields extension.

resident_status15.7.0Varchar2(5)  Resident status. Migrated from [Students.resident_status].
seop_goal15.7.0Varchar2(6)Concentrator. Migrated from [Students.seop_goal].
special_ed_indicator15.7.0Boolean Special Education Indicator. Migrated from [Students.special_ed_indicator].
State_ExcludeEnrollment15.7.0Boolean State Exclude Enrollment. Migrated from [Students.State_ExcludeEnrollment].
tech_prep15.7.0Boolean Tech Prep. Migrated from [Students.tech_prep].
title_115.7.0Varchar2(5)Title 1 Participation. Migrated from [Students.title_1].
section50415.7.0Boolean Received 504 Services. Migrated from [Students.UT_504].
AccompaniedStudent15.7.0Varchar2(5)Accompanied Student. Migrated from [Students.UT_AccompaniedStudent].
EarlyGrad15.7.0Varchar2(5) Intention of Early Graduation Indicator. Migrated from [Students.UT_EarlyGrad].
Gifted15.7.0Boolean  Gifted. Migrated from [Students.UT_Gifted].
Grad_Date15.7.0DateGraduation Date. Migrated from [Students.UT_Grad_Date].
PassedCivics16.5.1Varchar2(5)Pass Civics Exam
HSCS15.7.0Varchar2(5)High School Completion Status. Migrated from [Students.UT_HSCS].
Immigrant15.7.0Boolean Immigrant. Migrated from [Students.UT_Immigrant].
KindergartenType15.7.0Varchar2(5)Kindergarten Type. Migrated from [Students.UT_KindergartenType].
LEP_instruction 15.7.0Varchar2(5) New LEP Instruction Type. Migrated from [Students.UT_LEP_instruction].
lepexitdate15.7.0DateLEP Exit Date. Migrated from [Students.UT_lepexitdate].
leporalgrade15.7.0Varchar2(5)LEP Oral Grade. Migrated from [Students.UT_leporalgrade].
lepreadgrade15.7.0Varchar2(5) LEP Read Grade. Migrated from [Students.UT_lepreadgrade].
lepwritegrade15.7.0Varchar2(5)LEP Write Grade. Migrated from [Students.UT_lepwritegrade].
mesa15.7.0Varchar2(5)MESA program. Migrated from [Students.UT_mesa].
MilitaryChild15.7.0BooleanMilitary Child. Migrated from [Students.UT_MilitaryChild].
NCLBSC15.7.0BooleanNCLB School Choice. Migrated from [Students.UT_NCLBSC].
NCLBSSLA15.7.0Varchar2(5)NCLB Supplemental Services, Language Arts. Migrated from [Students.UT_NCLBSSLA].
NCLBSSM15.7.0Varchar2(5)NCLB Supplemental Services, Math. Migrated from [Students.UT_NCLBSSM].
parentlanguage15.7.0Varchar2(5)LEP Parent Language. Migrated from [Students.UT_parentlanguage].
PVT15.7.0Boolean Private school enrollment with local special education membership only. Migrated from [Students.UT_PVT].
RaceSelfIdentified15.7.0BooleanRace Identified by Observation. Migrated from [Students.UT_RaceSelfIdentified].
ReadingIntervention15.7.0Varchar2(5) Receives Reading Intervention. Migrated from [Students.UT_ReadingIntervention].
ReadOnGradeLevel15.7.0Varchar2(5)Reads at This Grade Level - Mid. Migrated from [Students.UT_ReadOnGradeLevel].
ReadOnGradeLevel_F15.7.0Varchar2(5)Reads at This Grade Level - Fall. Migrated from [Students.UT_ReadOnGradeLevel_F].
ReadOnGradeLevel_S15.7.0Varchar2(5)Reads at This Grade Level - Spring. Migrated from [Students.UT_ReadOnGradeLevel_S].
Refugee15.7.0BooleanRefugee. Migrated from [Students.UT_Refugee].
SchoolOfRecord15.7.0Varchar2(5) School of Record. Migrated from [Students.UT_SchoolOfRecord].
SpecialEdExitDate15.7.0DateSpecial Ed Exit Date. Migrated from [Students.UT_SpecialEdExitDate].
SrDO15.7.0BooleanSenior (DO) Dropout with unknown exit date. Migrated from [Students.UT_SrDO].
TribAffil15.7.0Varchar2(5)  Tribal Affiliation. Migrated from [Students.UT_TribAffil].
YIC_FullTime15.7.0Varchar2(5)YIC Full Time. Migrated from [Students.UT_YIC_FullTime].
voc_academ_disadv15.7.0BooleanVocational Academically Disadvantaged. Migrated from [Students.UT_voc_academ_disadv].
Title1Math15.7.3BooleanTitle I Targeted Assistance Program - Additional Math services provided.
Title1ELA15.7.3BooleanTitle I Targeted Assistance Program - Additional ELA services provided.
Title1SCI15.7.3BooleanTitle I Targeted Assistance Program - Additional Science services provided.
Title1Health 15.7.3BooleanTitle I Targeted Assistance Program - Student received Health/Dental assistance supported by Title I funds.
Title1ACGuid15.7.3 Boolean Title I Targeted Assistance Program - Student received Academic guidance assistance supported by Title I funds. 
Title1SocStud15.7.3Boolean  Title I Targeted Assistance Program - Additional Social Studies services provided.
Title1Voc15.7.3Boolean Title I Targeted Assistance Program - Student received vocational/career services supported by Title I funds.
Title1ParaPros15.7.3 Boolean Student received services from SB81 funding of Title I ParaPros.
IntPovGrant 15.7.3 Boolean Student was a direct beneficiary of services supported by Intergenerational Poverty Grant.
AfterSch21Cent15.7.3Boolean Student is a participant of Afterschool Program on or off site supported by 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant - 21 CCLC.
ELSoftware15.7.3Boolean Student participated in State Provided EL Software. 
ECReadSoftware15.7.3 Boolean Student participated in State Provided Early Childhood Reading Software.
DropoutRec15.7.3Boolean Indicates that a student is participating in a dropout recovery program according to Senate Bill 116 from the 2015 Legislative Session (Utah Code 53A-17a-172).


Indicates the number of days that a student participated in the school’s dropout recovery program and made adequate progress. Values, if submitted, must be 0 to 180. Blank is okay. A student cannot receive more than 180 days in a single school year.
PartTime15.12.0Varchar2(5)Core PartTimeStudent field is replaced by the state PartTime field
EarlyNormalcyIntervention22.3.2.0Varchar2(3)Receives EarlyNormalcy Intervention.
EarlyNormalcyBeginofYear22.3.2.0Varchar2(3)EarlyNormalcy at This Grade Level - BeginofYear .
EarlyNormalcyMidYear at This Grade Level - MidYear.
EarlyNormalcyEndoftheYear22.3.2.0Varchar2(3)EarlyNormalcy at This Grade Level - EndoftheYear .
Schooloverride23.9.3.1Number(10,0)School Override

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