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S_TX_USR_X (ver 16.5.0)

This table is an extension of the Users table.

Column Name


Data Type


E0130_Total_Years_Exp16.10.0Number(11,0)The number of years the teacher has professional experience.
E0161_Years_Exp_in_District16.10.0Number(11,0)The number of years the teacher has professional experience in the LEA.
E0706_Generation_Code16.10.0Varchar2(1)The generation code for the staff person.
E0730_Highest_Degree16.10.0Varchar2(1)The code for the staff person's highest degree earned.
E1073_Staff_Type_Code16.10.0Varchar2(1)Indicates the staff type code for this staff person.
E1377_Yrs_Prior_Teach_Exp21.8.2Number(11)Indicates the years of prior teaching experience.
E1721_Credit_Year_Svc_Ind21.8.2Varchar2(1)Indicates the credit year service.
E1722_Tch_Inc_Allot21.8.2Varchar2(20)Indicates the teacher incentive allotment designation code. Field length updated from 2 characters to 20 characters in version 21.12.1 in order to support multiple Teacher Incentive Allotment codes per user.
E1581_PK_Teacher_Req17.2.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the type of prekindergarten certification for this person.
E1594_Auxiliary_Role_ID17.7.0Varchar2(3)The Auxiliary Role ID for non-professional staff employed by the LEA.
E1670_Paraprof_Cert_Ind20.6.2.0Varchar2(3)The Paraprofessional Certification Indicator for staff.
Exclude_From_04016.10.0Number(1,0)Indicates if the staff should be excluded from the staff demographics in the Fall Collection.
Exclude_CR_Winter21.8.2Number(1,0)Indicates that a staff member should be excluded from the Class Roster Winter Collection.
Exclude_From_Summer16.5.0Number(1,0)Identifies if a staff member is included in the Fall Collection but must be excluded from the Summer Collection.




The foreign key that connects this record to the Users table.

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