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S_TX_STU_X (ver 14.4.0)

This table is an extension of the Students table.

Column Name


Data Type





A foreign key that relates the extended table to the [Students] table.

AAR_Custom_Comment20.12.1.0Varchar2(400)The custom comment that will print on AAR.
Advanced_Measures15.10.3Varchar2(7)Identifies advanced measures the student received. Migrated from [Students]TX_AdvancedMeasures.
Advanced_Measures_215.10.3Varchar2(1)Identifies an additional advanced measure the student received. Migrated from [Students]TX_AdvancedMeasures2.
Advanced_Measures_315.10.3Varchar2(1)Identifies an additional advanced measure the student received. Migrated from [Students]TX_AdvancedMeasures3.
Advanced_Measures_415.10.3Varchar2(1)Identifies an additional advanced measure the student received. Migrated from [Students]TX_AdvancedMeasures4.
Assessment_Exit_Date_LArts15.10.3DateIdentifies the Date the TAKS student passed the Exit Language Arts.  Migrated from [Students]TX_AssessmentExitDate_Larts.
Assessment_Exit_Date_Math15.10.3DateIdentifies the Date the TAKS student passed the Exit Math.  Migrated from [Students]TX_AssessmentExitDate_Math.
Assessment_Exit_Date_Science15.10.3DateIdentifies the Date the TAKS student passed the Exit Science.  Migrated from [Students]TX_AssessmentExitDate_Science.
Assessment_Exit_Date_SStudies15.10.3DateIdentifies the Date the TAKS student passed the Exit Social Studies.  Migrated from [Students]TX_AssessmentExitDate_SStudies.
Behav_Threat_Assmt23.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates a student's behavior has resulted or will result in a threat assessment under TEC ยง37.115.
Behav_Threat_Assmt_Comment23.11.1Varchar2(4000)Behavioral Threat Assessment Comment.
Birth_Country16.11.0Varchar2(2)Identifies the country the student was born in.
Calc_Class_Rank18.4.0Number(11,0)The calculated Class Rank from the ClassRank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_Class_Rank_Date18.4.0DateThe calculated Class Rank Date from the ClassRank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_Class_Rank_GPA18.4.0Number(25,10)The calculated Class Rank GPA from the ClassRank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_Class_Rank_GPA_Method18.4.0Varchar2(50)The Class Rank GPA Method from the Class Rank table used to calculate the Class Rank GPA; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_Class_Rank_School18.4.0Varchar2(60)The students school associated with the Class Rank from the ClassRank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_Class_Size18.4.0Number(11,0)The calculated Class Rank Size from the ClassRank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_GPA218.4.0Number(25,10)The calculated GPA2 value from the ClassRank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_GPA2_Method18.4.0Varchar2(50)The GPA2 Method from the Class Rank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_GPA318.4.0Number(25,10)The calculated GPA3 value from the ClassRank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Calc_GPA3_Method18.4.0Varchar2(50)The GPA3 Method from the Class Rank table; copied to the Texas Class Rank tab.
Cardio_Res_Instr17.3.0Number(1,0)Identifies the student has had instruction in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
Cert_Course_Compl_Date15.10.3DateIdentifies the date the student received a certification of course completion.  Migrated from [Students]TX_CertCourseComplDate.
Class_Rank15.10.3Number(11,0)Identifies the Class Rank the LEA wants to use for reporting; used as an override. Migrated from [Students]TX_ClassRank.
Class_Rank_Date_Override18.4.0DateIdentifies the Class Rank Date the LEA wants to use for reporting; used as an override.
Class_Size15.10.3Number(11,0)Identifies the Class Size the LEA wants to use for reporting; used as an override. Migrated from [Students]TX_ClassSize.
Cohort_Year15.10.3Number(11,0)Identifies the first year the student entered the ninth grade. Migrated from [Students]TX_Cohort_Yr.
Covid_19_Crisis_Code20.5.2.0Varchar2(2)The COVID-19 Crisis Code for the student (7A-7I) as of the end of the 2019-20 school year.
Covid19_Code0120.12.1.0Varchar2(2)The COVID-19 Crisis Code for the student (1A, 1B, or 1C) as of January 29, 2021.
Covid19_Code0220.12.1.0Varchar2(2)The COVID-19 Crisis Code for the student (2A, 2B, or 2C) as of March 31, 2021.
Covid19_Code0820.9.1.0Varchar2(2)The COVID-19 Crisis Code for the student (8A, 8B, or 8C) as of September 30, 2020.
Covid19_Code0920.9.1.0Varchar2(2)The COVID-19 Crisis Code for the student (9A, 9B, or 9C) as of October 30, 2020.
Covid19_Code10A21.12.1Varchar2(3)The COVID-19 Crisis Code for ADA 9 students enrolled as of January 14, 2022.
Covid19_Code10B21.12.1Varchar2(3)The COVID-19 Crisis Code for ADA 9 students enrolled as of May 13, 2022.
CPR_Waiver21.7.2.0Number(1,0)Indicates if student qualifies for a waiver for CPR Instruction.
Dyslexia_Screen_Date_0120.8.2.0DateGrade 01 Dyslexia Screen Date.
Dyslexia_Screen_Date_KG20.8.2.0DateGrade KG Dyslexia Screen Date.
E070315.10.3Varchar2(75)Override field for First Name. Migrated from [Students]E0703. Field length increased from 17 to 75 characters in version 17.8.0.
E070415.10.3Varchar2(75)Override field for Middle Name. Migrated from [Students]E0704. Field length increased from 14 to 75 characters in version 17.8.0.
E070515.10.3Varchar2(75)Override field for Last Name. Migrated from [Students]E0705. Field length increased from 25 to 75 characters in version 17.8.0.
E070615.10.3Varchar2(1)Generation Code for the student. Migrated from [Students]E0706.
E079115.10.3DateIdentifies the Date the student graduated. Migrated from [Students]E0791.
E080615.10.3Varchar2(2)The Graduation Diploma Type Code for the student. Migrated from [Students]E0806.




Foundation High School Program Participant Code (no longer used).




FHSP Distinguished Level Achievement Indicator Code (no longer used).




STEM Endorsement Indicator Code (no longer used).




Business and Industry Endorsement Indicator Code (no longer used).




Public Services Endorsement Indicator Code (no longer used).




Arts and Humanities Endorsement Indicator Code (no longer used).




Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement Indicator Code (no longer used).




Foundation High School Program Participant Code.




FHSP Distinguished Level Achievement Indicator Code.




STEM Endorsement Indicator Code.




Business and Industry Endorsement Indicator Code.




Public Services Endorsement Indicator Code.




Arts and Humanities Endorsement Indicator Code.




Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement Indicator Code.

E156215.9.0Varchar2(2)Individual Graduation Committee Graduate Code.
E155516.1.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the students PK School Type for PK students.
E156315.9.0Varchar2(2)Individual Graduation Committee Review Code.
E1589_Military_Enlistment17.4.0Number(1,0)Indicates that a student who has graduated from high school has enlisted in the United States Armed Forces after graduation.
E1596_Associate_Degree17.9.0Number(1,0)Indicates that the student earned an associate degree prior to graduation from high school.
E1596_Associate_Degree_Ind23.10.1Varchar2(2)Indicates the type of associate degree earned by the student.
E1644_Dyslexia_Risk_Code_0120.8.2.0Varchar2(2)Grade 01 Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644).
E1644_Dyslexia_Risk_Code_KG20.8.2.0Varchar2(2)Grade KG Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644).
E1660_Adult_Prev_Att_Ind20.7.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates whether an adult student (age 18-25) who is currently enrolled in a high school equivalency program, dropout recovery school or other adult education program has or has not attended school in the previous nine months prior to enrolling.
E1732_Dys_Screen_Exc_0122.6.1Varchar2(2)Grade 01 Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732).
E1732_Dys_Screen_Exc_KG22.6.1Varchar2(2)Grade KG Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732).
E1736_TXFirstEarlyHS23.4.3Varchar2(2)Indicates that a high school student graduated early under the Texas First Early HS Completion Program.
ECDS_KG_Assmt_Date21.3.2DateThe date of a kindergarten students ECDS assessment.
ECDS_PK_BOY_Assmt_Date21.3.2DateThe date of a pre-kindergarten student's beginning of year ECDS assessment.
ECDS_PK_EOY_Assmt_Date21.3.2DateThe date of a pre-kindergarten students end-of-year ECDS assessment.
Exclude_Act_Sat20.12.1.0Number(1,0)Indicates whether the student has opted to not include their ACT and SAT scores on the AAR and TREx Extract.
Fin_Aid_App_Code21.7.2.0Varchar2(2)Indicates the Financial Aid Application code or Exception submitted by the student.
Fin_Aid_App_Met_Date21.7.2.0DateThe date the student met the Financial Aid Application requirement.
Fin_Aid_App_Type21.7.2.0Varchar2(2)The type of Financial Aid Application submitted by the student.
First_US_Enrolled_Date18.8.0DateThe date an immigrant student first enrolled in US schools.
FHSP_College_Career_Instr16.7.1Number(1,0)Indicates the student has had College and Career Preparation Instruction at either the 7th or 8th-grade level.
FHSP_Sp_Req_Met15.8.2DateThe Date the student met their speech requirement for their FHSP graduation plan.
GPA_Override15.10.3Number(25,10)Identifies the GPA the LEA wants to use for reporting; used as an override.  Migrated from [Students]TX_GpaOverride.
Grant_IND15.10.3Number(11,0)The Texas Grant Indicator Code for the student. Migrated from [Students]TX_GrantInd.
Home_Language_Survey_Date19.6.2.0DateIndicates the date that the original Home Language Survey was administered to a student.
Months_Not_In_US18.8.0Number(11,0)The number of months an immigrant student had interrupted schooling in US schools. Used as a deduction when calculating the total number of months enrolled in US schools, based on the date the student was first enrolled in US schools.
PAC21.4.2Varchar2(200)Portal Access Code of the student stored as an encrypted text.
PEBT_Summer202121.11.1Number(1,0)Indicates students who newly qualified for National School Lunch Program (NSLP) benefits during the Summer of 2021.
Personal_Graduation_Plan15.8.2Number(1,0)Indicates the student has a signed graduation plan on file with parent and student signatures.
Previous_Language23.9.1.0Varchar2(3)To capture the communication language used in a previous home setting.
State_Grade_Level15.10.3Varchar2(2)Identifies the student's grade level reported to the state if different from the PowerSchool grade level. Migrated from [Students]State_Grade_Level.
TE122_CPR_Instr_Date18.6.0DateThe date the student completed the required CPR Instruction.
TE123_Peace_Off_Instr_Date18.6.0DateThe date the student completed the required Peace Officer Interaction Instruction.
TE134_SAT_ACT_Reimb_Ind20.7.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates that a prior or current LEA has received the one-time allowed SAT or ACT fee reimbursement for the student.
TE135_IBC_Reimb_Ind20.7.2.0Varchar2(1)Indicates that a prior or current LEA received the one-time allowed industry-based certification fee reimbursement for the student.

Identifies the reason that the student is exempt from the Texas Success Initiative assessment.

VALIDATION_ERRORS 23.9.3Varchar2(4000)Holds validation errors for Student UID Assignment via Web Services.

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