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This table is a child of the S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C table and captures unexcused class absence details as calculated by the Texas Student Truancy Tracking feature.

Column Name


Data Type


ID21.4.2Number(10,0)Primary key.
StudentsDCID21.4.2Number(10,0)Foreign key.
ATTENDANCE_CODE21.4.2Varchar2(10)The unexcused absence code for the class section.
COURSE_NAME21.4.2Varchar2(40)The course name.
COURSE_NUMBER21.4.2Varchar2(11)The course number.
ENROLL_GRADE_LEVEL21.4.2Number(11,0)The student's grade level (not currently used).
EXPRESSION21.4.2Varchar2(100)The class expression.
PERIOD21.4.2Varchar2(3)The class period.
SCHOOLID21.4.2Varchar2(9)The school ID for the class.
SECTION_NUMBER21.4.2Varchar2(10)The class section number.
SERVICE_ID21.4.2Varchar2(8)The Service ID for the class (not currently used).
TEACHER21.4.2Varchar2(40)The lead teacher for the class.
UNX_DATE21.4.2DateThe date of the unexcused absence.
YEARID21.4.2Number(11,0)The School Year for the class and unexcused absence; stored as the two-digit Term ID such as 30 for the 2020-21 school year.
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