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S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C (ver 21.4.2)

This table is a child of the Students table and captures student truancy records for the Summer PEIMS Attendance Interchange.

Column Name


Data Type


ID21.4.2Number(10,0)Primary key.
StudentsDCID21.4.2Number(10,0)Foreign key.
E0017_TRUANCY_GRADE_LEVEL21.4.2Number(11,0)The student's grade level in the current year when the student first met the TEA truancy threshold of 10 unexcused absences in a six month period. Calculated element.
E0782_TRUANCY_CAMPUS_ID21.4.2Varchar2(9)The student's campus of enrollment when the student met the TEA truancy threshold. Calculated element.
E0782_TRU_PREV_CAMPUS_ID21.4.2Varchar2(9)The student's campus of enrollment where a Truancy Prevention Measure was initiated, if the student has not yet met the TEA truancy threshold. Manually entered element.
E1657_TRUANCY_ABS_IND21.4.2Number(1,0)PEIMS Excessive Absence Indicator for the TEA threshold of 10 unexcused absences in a six month period. Calculated element
E1657_TRUANCY_ABS_IND_OVR21.4.2Number(1,0)Override for the PEIMS Excessive Absence Indicator. Manually entered element.
E1658_TRUANCY_PREV_MEAS_IND21.4.2Number(1,0)PEIMS Truancy Prevention Measure Indicator. Manually entered element.
E1659_TRUANCY_COMPLAINT_IND21.4.2Number(1,0)PEIMS Truancy Complaint Indicator. Manually entered element.
STATE_REPORTABLE21.4.2Number(1,0)Field for internal use indicating that the record is state-reportable. Calculated element.
TOTAL_TRUANCY_ABS21.4.2Number(11,0)The total days with at least one unexcused absence, year-to-date for the school year. Calculated element.
TRU_PREV_DATE23.7.3DateThe date the of the truancy prevention measure.
TRU_COMPLAINT_DATE23.7.3DateThe date the truancy complaint was filed.
TRUANCY_COMMENTS21.4.2Varchar2(500)Optional comments entered by the user for the truancy record.
TRUANCY_THRESHOLD_DATE21.4.2DateThe date the student met one of the truancy thresholds: 3 unexcused absences in four weeks or 10 unexcused absences in six months. Calculated element.
TRUANCY_THRESHOLD_TYPE21.4.2Varchar2(30)Indicates the truancy threshold met by the student. Calculated element.
YEARID21.4.2NUMBER(11,0)The School Year to which the truancy record belongs; stored as the two-digit Term ID such as 30 for the 2020-21 school year.
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