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S_TX_STU_SR_OEYP_C (ver 16.12.3)

This table is a child of the Students table and is used for storing Optional Extended Year data that was migrated from the SRUSER Student OEYP table.

Column Name


Data Type


E0017_GRADE_LEVEL16.12.3VARCHAR2(15)Indicates the grade level of the student at the time they received OEYP services.
E0036_DAYS_ABSENT16.12.3NUMBER(11,0)Indicate the number of days absent during for the OEYP record.
E0782_CAMPUS_OF_ENROLLMENT16.12.3VARCHAR2(50)Indicates the campus the student was enrolled during the OEYP services.
E0935_DAYS_TAUGHT16.12.3NUMBER(11,0)Indicates the number of days taught for the OEYP record.
E0937_DAYS_PRESENT16.12.3NUMBER(11,0)Indicates the number of days present for the OEYP record.
E1014_OEYP_TYPE_CODE16.12.3VARCHAR2(15)Indicate the type of OEYP services the student receivied.
E1029_PROMOTION_RETENTION16.12.3VARCHAR2(15)Indicates the student's promotion/retention code based on services received.
ID16.12.3NUMBER(10,0)Primary key.
OEYP_SCHOOL_YEAR16.12.3VARCHAR2(50)The yearid for the year the services were received.
RECORD_ID16.12.3NUMBER(11,0)The record id from the sruser table.
STUDENTSDCID16.12.3NUMBER(10,0)The foreign key to link to the student table.

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