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S_TX_STU_RESTRAINT_C (ver 16.7.0)

This table is a child of the Students table and is used for collecting Restraint data.

Column Name


Data Type


CRDC_RESTRAINT_TYPE16.7.0VARCHAR2(1)Identifies the type of restraint for CRDC reporting.
E0173_INSTR_SETTING16.7.0VARCHAR2(2)The instructional setting for the student at the time of the restraint.
E1032_CAMPUS_ID16.7.0VARCHAR2(9)The campus where the student is enrolled at the time of the restraint.
E1033_RESTRAINT_REASON16.7.0VARCHAR2(2)The reason the student was restrained.
E1034_RESTRAINT_DATE16.7.0DATEThe date of the restraint.
E1035_INSTANCE_NUMBER16.7.0NUMBER(11,0)The consecutive instance number of the restraint for the student for the year.
E1516_RESTRAINT_STAFF_TYPE16.7.0VARCHAR2(2)The type of staff involved in the restraint.
E1725_NON_MEM_RES_IND22.4.2NUMBER(1,0)Identifies if the student is not in membership at the time of the restraint incident.
EXCLUDE_FROM_PEIMS16.7.0NUMBER(1,0)Identifies if the restraint is reported to PEIMS or is entered just for CRDC reporting.
ID16.7.0NUMBER(10,0)Primary key.
STUDENTSDCID16.7.0NUMBER(10,0)Foreign key.

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